Foreign Interference In Our Affairs

t ortunately and wisely, we have thu3 far steered clear of "entangling alliances," with the single and limited eiception of our treaty of 1846 with New Granada respecting the transit of the Isthmns of Panama; and by thus folio wing the polioyof careful abstention from all interference in the domestic questions and local issues of other nations, we are enabled more consistently to check and repel any impertinent orpragmatical attempt by f oreigners to intermeddle with our domestic policies or to dictate alterations in our carefully arranged distribution of powers. It may as well be understood that, desirous as we are of pursuing policies of peace, comity and reciprocal advanfcage with all nations, we wül never so lower the Standard of our independence aa to change the form and principies of onr government to accommodate strangers who come among us voluntarily and in pursuit of their individual tastes and
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News