A Growing Industry

The Michigan Furniture Factory, ín this city, is one of those manufacturing industries which is making its way to success without any trumpeting of horns and is rapidly increasing its facilities without the lid of bonuses. To-day it employs from 82 to 85 hands and pays out every month over 13,000 in wages. A.s soon as the projected improvements are made it will employ at least a hundred. It has aided materily in the growth of the second ward and the increasing prosperity of the city. The furniture factory is about to begin the construction of a four story addition, thirty-five by fortyfive feet. The addition is built to provide the additional boiler and finishing room which is imperatively necessary. The first story will be irched over and will be used as a joiler room. The second and third tories will be used for store rooms ind the fourth story will be used :or a finishing room . A brick smoke tack seventy-five feet high will also ae built. This addition will be uniEorm with the main building which, is our readers know, is a new one. Whencompleted, the furniture factory will be two hundred feet long, fifty feet wide and f our stories high. A new boiler, 6 by 16 insize, and ioo horse power is expected to be here in a week. The present boiler, which will be retained, is an 80 horse power one. A new dry kiln has just been finished similar to the one put in last fall and which has done excellent work. Considerable additional niachinery has been placed in the building. The improvements will cost in the neighborhoodof $10,000. The quality of the work turned out is of the best and the demand has been such as to make an enlarged capacity necessary It is thought that the improvements wül increase the finished product turned out at least one third. The factory has always been very successf ui . It is fortúnate in possessing a most efficiënt, energetic and capable superintendent in Paul Snauble and one of the best foremen in the state of Michigan in John Mayer. There is now on hand a million feet of lumber belonging to the factory covering six city lots. If our readers shquld drive around that way and look at the lumber piles, we doubt if one of them would say there was little manufacturing in the citv.