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Michigan (Tbntrat, " The Miagara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (KEVISED) NOV, 30, 1890. CENTRAL STANDARD TIMK EASTWARD. NÏÏE i " ' stations Mail Day Shre NY Ni't AU. Kal Exp Lita Exp Ex. Exp Aec. i. M A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. H. A. )f Chicago, Lv. 7 05 9 00 12 2' S 10 9 25:1010 4 50' Jacfcson 3 10 4 25 ó S5 8 47 440 615 90 Chelsea 3 10) 5 30 7 13, 10 3 Dexter 4 14 5 45 728 1043 Delhi Mills... 430 737 AHH A2B0B.. 4 12 5 23 6 30 9 45 6 0 7 50Í10 Ypsilanti.... ñ US 6 43 .... 956 616 8CSI1IIS WayneJunc 5 27 8881132 P. il, P, M. P.M. P. M. A.M.U'M. Detroit, A t .. 6 15 tí 45 7 30 10 45 1 7 301 9 20 12 10 A. M. A.M. A. M.lp. M. P. M. P.M. Buffalo 810 4 10 7 25 3 15 5 56 "WESTWAKD. Chi.ISpec N'th stations. Detr Chi. Lim Hieh!Shre Pac. Maü Exp Bxp Exp Exp.! Lim Ex. Acc, A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. Buffalo, 12 30 6 30 9 45 315 12 50 600 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P,M. I'. y. Detroit, Lv... 8 30 7 M) 1 20 7 46 9 25 9 15 4 45 WayneJunc 9 08 8 23 9 54 521 Ypsilanti 9 28 8 41 2 05 8 45 10 15 5 43 AUN A2B0E.. 9 43 8 67 2 19 8 58 10 lo 10 30 5 55 Delhi Mills.. 952 9 07 Dextei 10 00 9 15 . .6 08 Chelsea 1013 9 mO 6 Jackson UOOlOOe 3 20 10 20 1113 1160 715 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. Gfricago, Ar. 7 35 4 35 9 00 6 40 4 50 8 05.,... +Daily. Sunday excepted. O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HATES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table going Inte effect, Monday, Feb., 20. GOING NORTH. Manistee Exprese and Mail 7 40 a. m ► Mt. Pleasant Passender 5 07 p. m . GOINQ SOUTH. Mt. Pleasant Express 1126 a. m. Manistee Maü 926p. m, W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent AGENTS f Io ENTIRELY WANTED I sf NEW BOOK The most wonderful collection of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people evor published on the globe. A marvel of money-saving and money-earning for every oneowningit. Thousandsof beautiful.helpful engravings, showing just how to do everything. No competition; nothing like it in theuaiverse, When you select that which is of true valué, sales are sure. All sincerely desirlng payingr employment and lookiug for sometbmg' thoroughly flrstclass at an extraordinary low price, snould write í'or description and terms on the most remarkable achieveinent in bookmaking slnce the world began. SCAMMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOUI8 or PHILADEJOPHIA. ü-IBlBrntcgi .-,s S Ir? Ia i Xfljf ff timrknnr. Warrantedheavj', RibiáSfc ftMWnd valuable linoof Houaehold nRÁhmuminipleH. These Bampics. as vmll . aa the watch, are írce. All the work you nAd do ia to show what wO send yoo to those who cali- your fríeoda and neighbora and those about 70a- thtalways resulta in valuabl trd for us, which holda foryean when oocc starletl, and thui we are repaid. We pay aU czpreat, freight, etc. After you know all, if you would like lo go to work for ua, yon can sarn from IS30 to 8ÖO pr wjek and upwardtjMddress, Klinaun Co.. Buitül S, Purdaml, ■"