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LOFFICIAI]. Tipuular meeting. Onlled to order by Clerk Miller. Poll cali- Present: Aids. Mann, All.ridin&ei-, FiUiüore, 'OHearn, Fergumd " Tuylór, Iieliburg, Hall. Absent: Aids. Wlnes, Herz. Martlif, vitso'i and President Cooley. Aid. O'Heam moved that Aid. Hall art a's president pro tem.. Carried. Minutes of prevlous meetings road and approved. TETITIOXS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A pptition signed by Maek & Sehmid. Hedjrwick Dean, Wm. Wagner, and 35 otliers asking that Fourth ave. he opened and laid out into a Street fronr Madison to Hill streets. Beferred to et reet committee. i communication and claim for refundlng $30.00 liecnse paid by S. Rosentbaler. Beferred to Iieense committee. petition signed by 22 residente and oroperty owners on Detroit st., city of nn Arbor, asking that stone sidemalk ordinance be repealed, fi-om Catlierine to Depot streets. Keferred to ordinance committee. petition signed by Alpheus Felch and eight others asking for an ordinance that North State st. , to North st a sidewulk be built of the same material as on South State st. Keferred to ordinance committee. To the Honorable the Common Council of tlue City of Ann Arbor, Mlch. The undersigned who was appointed to examine the books and vouchers of the city treasurer and city elerk would resp ectfully report that he has performed that duty and finds that the vouchers of the city treasurer agree vith the books, that the interest account of the Ann Arbor Savings bank is correctly made and the warrants issued by the city clerk agree with the reporte made by your finance committee Kespectfully submitted, John R. Miner. Ann Arbor, Mich., May 23, 1891. Eeceived and filed. To the Common Couneil: The board of public works woxild ' respectfully recommend that the lollowing sidcwalks be ordered built. And would further recommend that the appropriation oï $50 be nade for building one crosswalk on Ashley st., (on the west side) crossing Liberty st. On the east side of East TJniversity ave., from Hill to Packard et. On the south side of Hill st., from Waslrtenaw ave. to Packard st. On the north side of Hill st., from Packard st. to Main st. On the Boutli eide of Miller ave., from Main 6t. to Seventh st. On the east side of Seventh st., from Madison st. to Huron st. STONE WALKS. Duncan McMiHan, No. 30 E. Huron Lucy Morgan Estáte, No. 36 E. Hurón et. Henry Dcraglass Estáte, No. 32 E. Huron "st. William McCrerry, No. 28 E. Huron St Á W. Hamilton, Corner Huron st. and Fourth ave. M. H. Goodrich. Fourth ave. M. M. Green Estáte, Fourth ave. John F. Lawrence, Fourth ave. Mrs. N. E. Green, Fourth ave. Jlrs. F. Nebel, Detroit st. Miss H. Gillshannan, Detroit st. Lucy Morgan Estáte, Detroit st. G. Hoefer, Detroit st. Miss Carey, Detroit st. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Ann Albor, June lst, 1891. Referred to sidewalk and finance committee. Ann Arbor, Mich.. May 26, 18ö;L. At a regular meeting of the board oí health, on motion, the allowance of the bill of Martin Clark for $25. for extra compensation, be recomniended to the Council, ïor the reason that his services saved the employment of special inspectors, at a greater cost to the city. Within the past six years two special inspections have been made costing the city each time about $100. W. F. Breakey, Sec. pro tem. Referred to finance committee. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your committee on Finance respectfnlly report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUKD. P.O'Hearn, salary ,- 264 : 00 W. F. Breakey. ealary, health oflicer .. 10Ü (X W. J.Müler, ealary B0 6Í E. B. Norris, salary so 60 J H. Stark, .ianitor -- J 00 Eli W. Mooie, salary to May let, 1891 ... 2o 00 W. C. Jacobus, labor on elect. booths. 5 60 Ann Ari-or üemoerat, election notice 4 0( L. Van Baaler, - 4 6( Michael Seery. reeording of deeds 8 00 W. J. Miller,. exprese Charges, etamps, etc 5_ö 511 71 CEMETERY FL'ND. Jacob Kalambach. labor 10 51 Mat Luypold, labor Ij 0 Wm. Kapp, labor .loe Sekora, labor o fj Eli S. Manly, labor - '0 50 S 43 38 PÓLICE FUND. James Murray, 6alary 65 0 David Collins, salary JIJ Clarence Tice, salary 50 0 M. C. Peterson, special pólice 0 James D. Smalley, burying dog 1 01 ï 168 00 POOR FUND. W. G. Bieterle, poor orders 10 00 John Goetz & Son, poor orders a 1; G. Hoeier, poor orders 1 Jj W . F. Lodholz, poor orders J j Jacob Kalambach J Wm. H. Molntyre, poor orders ; Kinsey & Seabolt, poor orders C. Kinsey, poor orders J. Werner, poor orders Warner & Son. poor orders 1 Mrs. Evans, aid ) MissShaw, aid 0 $ 52 89 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. C. B. Preston & Co., supplies 3 0"! Hale Fire Harness Co., collar and har. 4 7 Geo. Stnith, oats j J Mrs . Ream, wasning J Wiliiam Uarroll. salary ( C. A. F.dwards, salary jW Louis Hoelzle, salary J Henry McLaren, salary 40 0 Frank Campion, salary U ü Morgan Williams, salary Herman Kim, salary J Kobert Koss, salary Ixui8 Weinmann, salary Jühn Kinney , salary.--. Víctor Sehneider. salary. ' Geo. Jeedele, hay Mann Bros., clippers - g Heinzmann & Oo.. 6upplies ■; ; ïïed Sipley, salary _____ S 386 STREET "FÜND. Michael Williams, labor 29 "Tij N. Sutherland, horse.. ---- V Wm. Kuehn, labor l oO Willis Clark, labor. - : 38 98 Cari Yardt, labor ) Jacob BissinRer, team work !' Hiram Kittredge, teaming S Wm Kapp, teaming { Albert Pettys, teaming J UU Jerry Manhan, teamiag - } _ A.T. Herbert, teaming 19 8 Frank Schultz, labor 8 EÜ.S. Manly, labor 6 Louis Mullison, labor 24 ;tó Esslinger Bro8., repairs 3 Jas. Nelaon, labor, 3 Cbristian Rehm, labor 2 25 Wm. J. Just, lumber 2( 64 Chas. Godfrey, labor 2 80 August Hermann, Labor 75 M. B. Murphy, labor 35 00 Jonathan Drake, labor 14 40 Miehael Hession, labor 18 30 Peter Paquett, sand 1 66 Nelson Sutherland, salary 66 00 GeorgeB. Schwab, plaus 6 00 John Uurns. iabor Sí 25 Smith Motley, salary 50 00 Jacob Hauser. labor ... . 7N 4U Joseph Hutzel, labor ati 60 Chas. Radke, labor -7 75 Wm. Niinps, labor at 35 John McHngh, labor 3 50 jobn Wcinmann, labor 150 Chas. Stierle. labor 1035 Peter Peterson, labor i r, 75 John Philips, labor ]l 85 Miehael Heary, labor 5 25 Albert Hauser, labor 3 00 Andrew Zeigler, labor ü0 85 Miohael Kinney, labor '.. , 17 25 Jhristian Koth 9 00 John Baumgartner, stones 38 0U Geo. Stoll, labor 1 50 John Kettle, labor 1 75 G. M. Halleek, labor 19 19 Morgan O'Brien, labor 1 50 Patrick MeCabe, labor 18 60 Mert. XiUypold, labor fi 00 Miehael Stabler, labor 46 90 Daniel Crawford, labor 26 26 $ 1270 73 RECAPITULATION. Contingent Í511 71 Cemetery 42 38 l'olice 168 00 Poor 52 89 Fire Department 6 50 Street 1370 70 Total 1 $2,432 18 Respectfully submitted, E. G. Mann, . Louis P. Hall. WillianI Herz, Finance Committee. Aid. Taylor moved tlmt the report be accepteci and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for tlie same. Teas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin. Allmendinger, Flllmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Kehburg, Hall, KitS.CH and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. SUPPLEMENTAKY KEPORÏ. Contingent hind- Robison & Howtt, $8. Street fund- George B. Schwab, $3. Respectfully submitted, E. G. Mann. Wm. Herz. L. P. Hall. Aid. O'Hearn moved that the report e accepted and adopted and warrant iclered drawu for the same. Yeas - Aids. Mann, Wines, Herz, Marn, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, aylor, Rehbur;r, Hail, Kitson and Pres. Cooley. - 13. Nays - Noiii 'o the Common Council: The idewalk committee would rejectfully report that the following dewalks be ordered built. On the east side of East University ve., from Hill to Packard st. On the south side of Hill st., from Vnslitcna w ave. to Packard st. On the north side of Hill et. from 'ackard st. to Maim st. On thenouth side of MlHer ave., from lain et. to Seventh st. On tilie east side of Seventh st., from ladison st. to Huron st. STONE WALKS. Duncan McMillan, Xo. 30 E. Huron t. Lucy .Morgan Estáte, Xo. 36 E. Huon st. Henry Douglass Estáte, No. 32 E. [nron st. William McCrerry, No. 28 E. Huron t. A. W. Hamilton, Corner Huron st. nd Fourth ave. M. H. Goodrich, Fourth ave. M. M. Green Estáte, Fourth ave. John F. Lawrence, Fourth ave. Mrs. N. E. Green. Fourth ave. llrs. F. Xebel, Detroit st. Miss H. Gillshannan, Detroit st. Lucy Morgan Estáte, Detroit st. G. Hpefer, Detroit st. Miss Carey, Detroit st. L. D. Wines. Wm. Herz. Geo. Allmendinger. Barneet Rehberg. Arthur J. Kitson. Committee. Aid. Hall moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Carried. Yuas- Aids. Man, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson. Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Tour committee on water to whom was referred the petitions for placins ire hydrants on South University ave. corner of Linden Btreet, on Seventh Street corner of Mndison street, and on East University ave. between HiU and 3ackard streets, respectfully report tliat they have duly considered the same and would report that the request of such petitions be deniod and isk to be discharged from the furthcr consideration of the subject. C. F. O'Hearn. E. G. Mann. Geo. ' AHmenölnger. Committee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be acceptéd and adoptcd. Carried. To the Common Council: Your committee on rules would respectfully submit the followins rules, for your consideración and recommend the 'adoption of tiie. same, and ask to be discharged from the further sonsideration of the subject. M. E. Cooley. ('hristian Martin. L. D. Wines. Aid. Hall moved that the report and rules be acceptéd and adopled aud committee discharged iroirt the further consideration of the subject. CarTlie monthly ireports ol the ehief of pólice, poor toaster, city treasurer, nmd city clerk were read and placed on file. . By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following side walks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from July loth, on the Eas sideof Fourth avenue and in front o lots and premises owned and occu pied by the following named per sons: A. W. Hamllton, Lot 44 ft. front, B. 1. N. B 5 E. Cnancy Goodrich Estáte. Lots 5 and 6, B. I N. H. 5 E. M M. Green Estáte. The W. 100 ft. of the N 22ft. wlde of Lot 5, B. 1., N. R. o E. J F Lawrence, the W. luO ft. of the N. 22 ft wille, of Lot 6, B. 1., N . K. 5 E. Mrs.E. N. Green, Lots land 2, B. 2. N. K, E. Thesaid sidewalks on Fourth avenue ahall b eleven feet iu width. and shall be coustructed a iollows: The stone üaeïiug shall be laid upo clean sand aud in water-linie. Said fliggin shaUhaveasinoothUDpersuiface, and ehall no bc leas than three mchee in thioknefB, and noties than two fret square, and drcssed even o" th sides so as to form close and even joints. In cas the owner oroecupant of auy lot in front of whic said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglec tobutldsaid walk in accor lance with lina resoh tion and the ordinanoes of the city, -within th time herein limited, it shall be the duty of th Board of Public Work to at once cause the same t i be done in aocordance with Ihis resolutiou, an 1 make rt port thereof, and of the oost of he same, t I the Common Council, in accordunce with the ord i nances of the city. Tefes- Aids. Manu, Winos, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hèarn, Ferguson, Tr.ylor, Ilehberp, Hall, Kitson and 1'rrs. ('iwhy - 13. Nays- None. Jiy Aid. Wlnes: Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered jraded and constructed within ten days from July 6th, on the south and north side of Huron street, and n front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: Jauett McMlllon, 22 ft. of Lot 2, B. 1, S. K. 5 E., liOKiiining22 ft. E. f rom the N. W. corner of lot 2, thence E. atong the S. line of Huron street, thenee S. to the S. line of Lot 2, thence W.22ft. theneeN. to the place of bezinningEstáte of Lucy W. S. Morgan, lot 1, B. 1, S. R. 5 E. Estáte of Henry Douglas, a piece of lamí í; ft. in wldth. off the E. gideof Lot 2, B. 1, S. W. 5 E., 22 ft. on Huron street. William McCreery, 22 feet off the W. siüe of Lot 2, B. 1, S. K. 5 h. A. W. Hamilton. Lot M ft. front, by 100 ft. deep, B. 1, N. K. 5 E. Thetai'l sidewnlltB on Hu-on street shll be tbirteen l'ect In width, and shall be consiructed as followe: The stoiie flagüing snall be laid upon clean sund and inwater-liiue. Sai Hhgüing sball have a suiooth upper surfaoe, and shall not be less than three inclies in Ünckness, and not less thnn two feet rqunre, auddressed i-ven on the fides s as 10 form close and eTen joints. In case the owner or oceupaui ol' :nv lol in frontüf whicii suid walk is hereby ordered laid slii.ll uegiect to build aid walk in n'ccordance with this resolution nd the ordinauces of tbe city, within the time berciu liniiied, itahall be the du y of the Board of Public Worki to at once canse the same to be done in accordance with tuis resolution, and roakc report thereof, and of the cost of the uame, to the Comaion accord.ince with the ordinances oí the city. Yens -Aids. .Manu, Wlnes, Here, SÍartin. AUmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hebbers, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 13. Xays - Xonc. By Aid. Wines : ;■- olved, ïhntthc following sldewaJkBbe and are hereby ordered graded and constructed withiu ten daya írom June lOth on the west Bide of Twelftb.' street and in front of lots and premises owued and occupied by the following named persons : William B. Stickney, lots 7 and 8, B. 7 8 , K. 12 K. F. L. Parker, lot 10, B. 7 S. R., 12 E. Louis J. Liesmer, lots 11 aud Í2, B. 7 8., R. 12 E. The said sidewalks shall be flve feet in width and shall be constructed of good pine plank, free írom sap. which shall uot be less than two inches iu thickness, more than twelve or less than flve inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine orheralock sleepers not less than two by tour inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lenethwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other hearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportiou of eight inches in twenty feet and conform to the establishcd grade. In case the owner or occupantln front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said wulk in aecordauce with the resolution and ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance witu this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Conncil, in accordance with the ordinances of the city. V. 'as- Aids. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, AUmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Fërguson, Taylor, Renberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays-- None. By Aid. Wines: Reiolved, Tliat the tollowlng sidew&lka be and ure hereby ordered graded and constructie! withiu ten" days l'rom June lOth on the soutn side of Catherine street and the east side of Ashley street. and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons : Estáte of James Kitson. The north 20 feet of Iot5, B.2N., R.SE. Estáte of Andrew Burk. Lots 2, 3, 4, o, and 6, B. 1 8., R. 3 E. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be construeted of good pine plank, free from sap. which shall not be less than two iuches in thickness. more than twelve or less than five inches wide. and laid on oak, edar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than vo by four inches in size, to be placed in lairs ot more than four feet apart. The plank hall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall e laid with nails not less than twenty penny, ith at least two at each end of each plank nd not less than two at any other bearing. 'hey shall be raised from the eurbstone in the roportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conorm to the established grade. In case the wner or occupant in front of whieh said walk shereby ordered laid shall neglect to build aid walk in accordance with the resolution nd the ordinance of the city within the time ïerein limited. it shall be the duty of the oard of Public Works to at once cause the ame to be done in accordance with this resoution and make report thereof and of the cost f the same to the Gommon Council. in acordance with the ordinances of the city. Yens- Aids. Mann, Winos, Herz, ll;u-in, Allmendlnger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Yiiruson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hiill. Kiton and Pres. Cooley- 18. Nays- None. By Aid. AVines : ResolDed, That the following sulewulks be iid re liereby ordered graded and eonstructed ] ithin ten days frora June lOth on the souih ide oí Hill street, and in front of lots and remises owned and oecupied by the ] ng named persous: X v. Cbeever, lot 16, B. 1., Smith's lots 22, ' ï and 24 B., Hill's Addition. Willlam M. White, land bounded north by lili streét, east by Tappan street, west and . outhwest by State and Puckard streets. Hlll's ddition. Lots 18, 14. 15, 10 B. 3 Hill's Addition ots 17, 18, 19, 20 B. S. Georee Crafe. lots 22. and 23 Hill's Addition. Eugene B. Gibney, lots 1 aud 3, B. 2, Hill's ddition. The said sidewalks shall be five feetin width and shall be constructed of good pine plank. ree from sap, which shall be not less than wo inches in thickness. more than twelve or ess than five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar pine or hemlock sleepers not less than wo by four iuches in size, to be placed in pairs uot more thau four feet apart. The plank ihall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall e laid with nails not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less thau two at any other beanng. Thev shall be raised from tbe curbstone in the proportion of eigrht inches in 20 feet and conorm to the estáblished grade. In case the owner or occupant in front of which said walk s herebv ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordinauce of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the saine to done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of tbe cost of the saine to the ('ommon C'ouncil iu aecordance vith the ordiuances of the city, Yens- Aids. Manu. Wines, Herz. .Martin, Allmendinger, Fillinore, O'Hearn, Fergnson, Taylor, Renberg, Hall, KitBOU and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. "Vines : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and arehereby ordered graded and c-onst ructed within teu days from JunelOth on the nortli side of Hill street and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: M r. Roth. a piece of laud bounded nortli by Seyfreld's land. east by I'ackard street, south bv'Hill street. and wesi by Sheridan's land. Mrs. Shendan, lots 9 aud 10 J. S. Wells' addillenry Fisher, lot 11 .T. S. Wells' addition. Willliam W. Derby, lot 12 J. 8. Wells' addiKs'tate of D. W. Amsden, lots 13 and 14 J. S. Wells' additiou. i L. Parker, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. IC, B. 7 S„ R.6E.; alsolotsS, 6, 7,8. B. 7S..R.5E.; also lots 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 18, and 10, B. 7 S., R. 4 E. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width aud shall be constructed of good pine plank free from sap, which shall be not less than two inches in thickness, more than twelve or less than five inches wide. and laid on oak, cedar pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two bj four incoes in size, to be placed in pairs uot lcss than iour feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less thau twenty penuy, with at least two ut each end of each plank and not lesa than two at uny other hearing, ïhey shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or oceupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid Bhall neglect to build said walk In accordance with the resolution and the ordinauee of the City within the time herein limited, it Bhall be the Sutj of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with thls resolution and make report thereof and o! the cost oí the same to the Commpn Councll, In aceordanee with the ordinances of the city. ïeafs - Aids. Manu, Wines, Ilf-z. Martin, AUmendlngev, Fillniore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rebberg, Hall, KitBon and Pres. Cooley- 18. Xiiys- None. By Aid. AVincs : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and eonstructed within ten dtiys from June lOth cm the etist side of Eat Univereity Avenue, and in front of lots and premises owned and occtipied by the following named persons: Mrs. Khode Phëlps, lot 6, I!. 2, Hill'a addition. William M. White, lots 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12. B.2 H1H'8 additlon. George Keal, land bonnded r.orth by White's land, east by l'orest Ave., south by Judaon'e land, and west by East University Avenue. J. P. Judsor. land bounded north by Keal's land, east by Forest Avenue, south by Miller's laud.aiKi west by Kast Univergity Avenue. Samuel Miller,, land bouuded north by Jndson'sand Vaughan's land and Sast University Avenue, east by Korest Avenue and Well's street, south by Wélla and Packard streets, and west by Packurd street. The said sidewalks Bhall be flve feet in width and shall be eonstructed of good pine plank, free froni sap, whieli shall not be less than two inches in thlcknesa, more than twelve or less than tive inches w ide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine or beinlock sleepers not less than two by Jour juches in size, to be placed in pairs uot more than iour feet apart. The plank shall be laid lenethwise oi the street and shall be laid with nails not less thau twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any otherbearine. ïhey shall be raised from the 'curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordauce with the resolution and the . dinance of the city within the tsme herein shall be the duty oí the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the ('ommon Councll. In accordance with the ordinances of the city. Yeaa - Aids. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, AUmendinger, i'illmore. O'-Hearn, Fergüson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 18. Nays - None. By Aid. Wines. Resolved, that the followingsidewakls be and aTe hereby ordered graded and eonstructed within ten dnys írom June lOth. on the east side of Detroit street and in front of lots and premises owned and oecupied by the following named person: Mrs. P. Neable, the north one-third of lot 4 B. 2 N., R. 5 E. Miss M. Gilshanuan, lot lü, B. 3, X. R. 5 E. Estáte of Lucy V. S. Morgan, tlie east ÏA feet ong, of the north one-third and 9 feet wide of lot 2 and that part. of the subdivisión oí lot ;i. B.3X.R. 6 E. as plattediu Liber 28 of deeds page 181. G. Hoefer.. a part of lot 4. B. :;. N. R. 6 E. Cbrístinaí arey, lots a and 8, and that part of lot 7 liiyiug northeast of the lines between lots 3 and 4, produced Boutheastward by tlu: easl side of lot 7, In u. :i Ormsbj & Page addltion. The said sidewalks on Detroit street shall be 11 feet in width. and shall be eonstructed as follows : The stone ilagging shall be laid upon c!e;i]i sand and in water lime. Said Úaggine shall have a smooth upper surfaee, and shall not be less than three inches in thieknes. and ïot less tban two ieet square, and dressed even on the sides so as as to form close and even joints. In case the owner or occupant of uiy lot in front of which said walk is nereby irdered laid shall neglect tobuild said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordinance of the city within the time herein liniited. it shall be the duty oi the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Councll, in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Yeas - Aids. Mann. Wincs, Herz, Martin, AUniendlnger, Fillinore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Renberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 13. .;ij"K - None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the followiup sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from JunelOthon the south side of Miller Avenne and in front of lots and premises owned and oecupied by the following named persons : Estáte of Alonzo Healey, lot f, B. 2, N. K. 2 E. O. L. Matthews, lot 4, B."2, N. R. '2 E. Estáte of Mrs. William E. Walker. Fractional part of lot 5, B. 2, N. R. 1 E. W. E. and John Walker, 5 rods in width taken from the west fruetionul part of lot 5, B. 2, N. R. 1 E. V. E. Walker, lot 1 Chapin's addition. Rosanna Haupt, a piece of land bounded north by Miller Avenue, east by Allen's Creek, west by Chapiu street, soxithby sipley's land. .lames Toms, lot bounded uorth by Miller Avenue, west by Miller's land.soutn by Noble's and Mills' land, eastby Chapín street. Mrs. John F. Miller, lot bounded north by Miller Avenue, east by Toms' land, west by school lots, south by Godíivy's lánd. School District Nb. 1 in front of the property Oi 1 Srd ward sehool on Miller Avenue. Charles Gardner, lot bounded north by Mil Ier Avenue, east by McDermott's lot, south by west by7tb etreet. Aaron Long, one-half of lot 11 Maynard's plat. Mrs. Emilia St. riair, 4 rods front by 9 rods deep taken frorn the east side of lot ten, Maynard'a plat. Mis. C. Hample, lot bounded north by Jlillcr (Vveuue, east by Bchaltz's land, soutli by Vlann's 1 and, west by GeorgeW. Smith's lamí. Martin Adamscbeck. lot 4 rods in widtb :akeu from the west sldeoi lot8Mynard'splat8 Jlrs. I'. Schlittler, the east one-halí of lot . Mavnard's plat. Charles Stollsteiiner, lot 7, and wesi oue-half 3f lot li, also all that part of lot 8 that lies 3Outhwe$t of a line intersecting said lot lti rods front the center of the Gorman road.according to the plat of the northeast one-fourth of Section 27, Town 2, 8. K. ti E. Maynard's plat. Peter Peterson. part of lots 3 and 4 Chapina addition contaiuing 24 sq. rods bounded east by Haupt'e land, north by Miller Avenue, west by Chapín street. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be constructed of good piue plank, free from sap, whieh shall not be less than two nches in thfcness, more than twelve or lesa hun five iuches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, ine or hemloc sleepers not less thau two bv our inches in size, to be placed in paira not more than four eet apart. The plank shall be aid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty penny, with ut east two at each end of each plank and not ese I lian two at any other hearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occuaant in front of which said walk is hereby jrdered laid shall neglect to build said walk in aecordauce witb the resolution and the ordinance of the city within the time herein shall bethe duty of the Board of Public Works to at once canse the saine tobe done in accordance with tbeordiuances oí the city. Veos- Alds. Mann, Wlnes, Herz, Martin. AUraendínger, Pillmore; O'Heaín, Perguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kirson and Pres. Cooley- 13. Xays - None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, 1ha.t the following sidewalks be ml ure hereby orderedgraded and construeted within ten days from June lOth, on tbi side of Seventh street, and in frontof lots and premisos ownedand occupied by the following named persons: William P. Groves, lot commencing on the east line of 7th street. í'2 rods from the north line oí Hurón street, theuee east 19 rods to Mclntyre's land. thence uorth3 rods, thence west 12 rods to 7th street, thence south to the place oí beginning. Fredericka Miller, lot 52 S. P. Jewett's add. S. P. Jewett's estáte, lots 57 and 58, Jewett's addition. Hutzel & Co., lots 61, 62, C3, 64, 70, Jewett'e addition. Frederiek Kuhn, lot 71 Jewctt's addition. John Hogen, lot 70 Jewett's addition. Mr. Cocker, lot bounded east by Albert Harshka's land. wes by 7th Street, north by lieorge Groves' land and sonth by Huron st. Charles .1. Gardner, lot bomided north by Nf iller Avenue, east by McDerniott's lot, south by a point, west by "tn street. Leonurd Gruner, lot 10 Maynard'a :rd add. John Eitig. lot 9, Maynard's 3rd add. John G. Herz, lot 8 Maynard's Brd add. Mr. Wehlger. lot 7 Maynard' :;rñ add. William Hiller. lot 6 Maynard'a Srd adel. J. R. Bach. lot 6 Maynaru's 8rd add, Michael Klise, lot l' Maj aard'8 Srd add. [lOuia Schnalder lot 8 Mayuard's 8rd add. Predericit Graf, lots 1 and 2, Maynard's Srd idd. Estáte of Lucy W. S. Mprgan, lot CC, Mayuard'a Srd add. Mis. K. Eberbach, lot 1 CO 7th and Liijerty sti'i I .M rs. Mariniart. lot 7") Je l ■ Cnrletian Kuch, lot 74 Jevrett'g add. Willium Niinps, the south half of lot 73 Jewïtt'B add. August Behucke.the north one-hatf of lot 7S leyrett's add. ■ Lauger Herman, lot 72 Jewett's add. The sald sidewalka shallbe flve feetin widtli judshall bc constjucted of good pine plank, [ree from sap, nhich Bhall not be less ilian two inches in tfcloknesa, more than twelvé or loss than fle lnchoe wide, and laid on oak. eedar, plne oi nemlock sleepers not less than two bj tour inches in si.e. to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank Bhall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty pennv with ut least two at eaeh end of each plank and not less thau two at any other bearing. They shall be raised froin the curbstone in the nroportiou of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the uwner or OCOupant in front of which aaid walk is bereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said wallt in accordance with the resolution and ordinance of the city within the time hereiu limited. it shall be the duty of the Board of I'uti) c Vorks to at once canse the sume to be done in aceordance with this resolution and mate report thereof and of the cost of the sant'1 tn the Coinmon Couneil, in acGOfdance v L.iO ordiuances of the city. Uds. Mana, Wines, Hen, Martin, AllmencUnger, Pillmore, O'Hearn, Perguson, Tnylor, Rehberg, Hall, KitBOn v.uil l'ns. ( 'odley- 13. Xays None. B.Í Aid. Wines. Wliereas, There is much dlficusslon and ;t great deslre on the part oí the citlz&ns u thia city relative to a system ol sewerage, Therefore, Resolved timt the subject of the eontstruction of a system of public sewer&ge In this city be referred to ,-i select commlttee ol ttaree and the board of public works. witli dlrectlons to Investígate the subjed and report to this council without delay. Yeas - Aids. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allme.ndinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, FergUSOn, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and Tres. Cooloy- 12. Naya - None. Aid. Jlfirtin moved that this council ask that aconunlttee of five business men bc appointed froin the Business Men's aseoclatloD to act wlth the sewerage committee from this council. Carried. Aid. Wines moved that Aid. Martin act as chairman ,of sewerage committee. Carried. Aid. Martin moved that Pres. Cooley and Aid. Wines act as the Other tun members of sewerage committee. Carried. By Al.l. Hall: Resolved, Thai Street Commissioner Sutherland be furniehed with a telephone at the Mame cateé as all other city telephone are furnislied the city, for the great convenience of the board of public works and aldermen of the city. Seas - AldB. Mann. Wines, Herz. Martin. Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Fergusoa, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and l'n's. Cooley - 13. Nay.s- Xoi'e. By Aid. Wtoés: Resolved, That the city elerk be instructed to determine the cost of a large map oï iliis city to be fiung on the walls of the council chamber. ('arried. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, T&at the board of public works be and is hereby instructcd to fence and grade the newly acquired addition to the city cemetery at a cost not exceeding $150. Yeas - Aids. Mann. Wines, Herz. Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmorp, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson nd Pres. Cooley - 13. A'ays - None. By Aid. Rehburg: Resolved.That l'oor Master Sipley and the chairman of the poor commit1tee are hereby ordered to parchase 100 cords of wood for our city poor. Yeas- Aids. Mann. Wines, Herz. Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor. Rehburg, Hall, Kitson íind Fres. Cooley- 13." Naya- Neme. l;.v Aid. Kitson: Resolved, Tliat the street comrnittee fiiid out liow raany Btreet signa are aeeded and the expense oí the same and vpport to tliis council at once, pending wflbdcb Aid. M-ann moved tha1 the rcsiiliition be reíerred to the board of public works. Carried. I'.y Aid. Willes: Resolved, Thai aeven coplea n' Waplea' üulcs (ii Order lic purcliascd by 8he -ity clerl; and placed in the couneii chamber tor the use of membere. Yens- Aids. Mann. AVines, Herz. Martin. Allmendlger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguaon, Taylor, Iiehburg,Ha'l Kitson and Pres. Gooley- 18. Nays- None. By Aid. Willes: Resolved, That a commlttee be appointed in determine the cost of renovating and refurnishing and decoratinK the couneil ehamber. Carried. Aid. Winps moved tnat a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the "Ann Arbor Thomson-HoiiKton Electric Lighi Co.." for three hundred and fifty-two 25-100 dollars for ertreet lichting for the month of May and for lijrlit inK the olerk's office. ld. Herz objectinK to the consider ation of the resolntion, the objectioi was nol sustained, as fóllows: Yens- Herz, Allmeadlger, Rehburg- 3. Aids. Manu. Wines, Martin Pillmore, O'Heiirn, Fei-Ruson. Tayloi Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 10. On the motion: Yeas- Aids. Mann. Wines, Martli Fillmore, O'Hern, FerRUBon. Taylor, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 10 Nays- Aids. Herz, Allmendiger, Rehburg- 8. Couneil then adjourned.