Local Brevities
The new creamery is now in operation. Rev. Dr. Haskell has removed to Kalamazoo. C. F. Burkhardt expects to remove to Grand Rapids. The court house will be paintec by Alderman Herz. Mrs. George H. Pond is spending two weeks in Noble, Mich. The widening of North Division street is a great improvement. Newberry Hall will probably be dedicated Commencement week. Fred C. Brown, of the Washtenaw Times, leaves Friday for a visit in Dakota. Fred Rettich, jr., has broken ground for a new house on East Huron street. Burglars entered three places in Ypsilanti, Monday night, but secured very linie booty. Lewis W. James, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., has been the guest of James L. Babcock. Miss Lizzie Hutzel and Miss Lucinda Lohr left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Toledo. James L. Babcock contemplates building a block of stores on his Main street lots. The junior auxiliary will hold a fair on the lawn of Mrs. Rathbone next Saturday afternoon. Capt. J. F. Schuh has purchased the residence of Prof. W. W. Beman on Fifth avenue south. Rev. L. R. Gault will preach in the Disciples church next Sunday, both morning and evening. H. M. Taber has sold his interest in the book firm of Moore & Taber to his partner, George L. Moore. Walter P. Beach, democrat, was elected justice by the fourth and fifth wards of Ypsilanti, Wednesday. The county fair association will probably secure the presence of Governor Winans at the next county fair. Rev. Mr. Tatlock, of St. Andrew's church, exchanged pulpits last Sunday with Rev. Mr. Balcom, of Jackson. D. L.jQuirk, Mrs. W. L. Pack, Philo, Ferrier and Daniel Quirk, jr., 'of Ypsilanti, have departed for Ëurope. STofV., Camp No. 9o,attention ! Important meeting to-night, (Friday). All are required to be present Burglars took a quantity of cigars from Hazlewoöd & Butts' billiard hall on State street, Wednesday night. Unity Club will give its closing social this evening. There will be music and strawberries. All friends are invited. # The examination of Gow and Matthews, charged with criminal assault, was this morning postponed for two weeks. A guarantee fund of i,ooo has been raised to insure the payment of the premiums for the trotting events at the next county fair. Thieves stole the mail pouch left at Ypsilanti, Monday night, and opened some of the letters. It is not known how much they secured, if anything. J. M. Wheeler, C. H. Richmond and Dr. C. B. Nancrede are the delegates from St. Andrew's church in this city to the annual convention of the Michigan diocese in Saginaw next week. Edward C. Smith, R. E. Grand Commander of Michigan, intends to visit and inspect Ann Arbor Commandery, Tuesday, June i6th. The Sir Knights are busy in preparing for the inspection. Hutzel & Co., have just put a one-horse-power California motor and the necessary machinery to propel three fans, in the place of business of Lawrence J. Damm, 30 South Main Street. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will preach next Sunday morning in the Unitarian church on "The Dr. Briggs Case and the Problems that Confront American Presbyterianism." No evening service. H. P. Glover, of Ypsilanti, has purchased the Scharf Tag and Label Company, of Toledo, Ohio, and will remove it to Ypsilanti. It employs about fifty hands and adds another industry to Ypsilanti. No bonus was given for it by the city. The procession of the Arbeiter Bund, on Wednesday, will go from the rink on Hurón to División, down División to Ann street, from Ann to Main, up Main to Liberty, thence to Fourth, thence to Madison street and from there to Relief Park. B. Frank Bower, formerly editor ef the Ann Arbor Democrat, later managing editor of the Detroit Journal, was married Wednesday in Detroit to Mrs. Agnes Sinclair Riggs. Mr. and Mrs. Bower will be at home at 909 Prospect street, Cleveland, Ohio, after June 18. Mr. Bower is deserving of the happiest of married lives. The junior auxiliary of St. Andrew's church hold a fair on the lawn of Mrs. Bathbone, 8 North División, to-morrow afternoon, the proceeds to go for charitable purposes. George P. Sanford, editor of the !,ansing Democrat, a former resident of Saline, was taken with an attack of nervous prostration during he memorial exercises at the . iing cemetery and for som e days vas unable to speak. He is now ;radually improving. The county of Washtenaw has een placed in a congressional disrict with Livingston, Ingham, Gen:see and Oakland counties in the )ill which finally passed the house esterday. In the senatorial apDOrtionment bilí to be reported ' avorably .to the senate to-day, Washtenaw is made a district by tself. Both bilis have to run the jauntlet of the senate yet before ;hey become laws. The Bliss stock of watches, jewelry, etc, was sold this morning by the special administrator of the Gilbert estáte. The purchasers are JV. VV. Watts and J. R. Bach, of this city, and W. H. Whitmarsh, of Milan. The business will be continued by the new owners at the old stand, and they propose to give the :itizens a benefit in selling out the stock. The new firm will be ready for business on Monday. Albrecht Gwinner, of Detroit street, died Wednesday evening. He was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1837 and emmigrated with his parents to this country, settling in Ann Arbor in 1854. He was a rausician in the First Michigan Infantry during the war. He was a member of the G. A. R. post and the A. O. U. W. He was married in 1866 and leaves a wife and five children. He numbered a large circle of friends. This is the way the Adrián Press looks at it: "The Argus and Courer made a combination bid for the city printing at about the cost of composition. The council is meetang about once a week, and has more rmsiness than the legislature, and the aroprietors of the combine are already getting their abdominal reservations so crowded, that they can only groan. In the meantime they reflect that there are neither dollars nor sense in the situation." There were 602 votes cast at the special election in Ypsilanti, to decide about bonding the city for $20.000 for bonuses to manufactories, of which 403 were cast for the $20.000, and 199 against. The proposition carried every ward in the city excepting the fourth. The factories which have gone a long ways towards building up Ypsilanti have been obtained without bonuses. If those who have opposed further bond of the city, care to resort to legal proceedings they could probably defeat the issuing of bonds. Marcus T. Woodruff has succeeded his father, Charles Woodruff, in the management of the Ypsilanti Sentinel. The Sentinel is one of our oldest contemporaries and is an excellent paper. lts readers are to be congratulated on the fact that although Mr. Charles Woodruff is no longer publisher, he will continue writing editorials, for, in the use o trenchant English, he has no superior in the state. The new publisher has push and vim and will undoubtedly make the paper as good locally as it has been editorially.
Elections - Ypsilanti
St. Andrew's Church
Marriage Announcements
Adrian Press
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Dr. Charles B. Nancrede
Albrecht Gwinner
C. F. Burkhardt
Mrs. George H. Pond
Fred C. Brown
Fred Rettich Jr.
Lewis W. James
James L. Babcock
Lizzie Hutzel
Lucinda Lohr
J. F. Schuh
W. W. Beman
L. R. Gault
H. M. Taber
Walter P. Beach
D. L. Quirk
Mrs. W. L. Pack
Philo Ferrier
Daniel Quirk Jr.
J. M. Wheeler
C. H. Richmond
Edward C. Smith
Rev. J. T. Sunderland
H. P. Glover
B. Frank Bower
Agnes Sinclair Riggs
George P. Sanford
Marcus T. Woodruff
Charles Woodruff