Lost His Life
The first fatal accident causèd In any manner by the Ann Arbor street ailway occurred at about a quarter past eleven o'clock last Saturday light on Packard street. And while here were no eye witnesses to the sad accident, it seems clear that no blame can be attached to the street ailroad. It seems to have been one of those very sad but unavoidable acídenla which are liable to occur wherver there is machinery. Frank Morse ived on Geddes avenue and had been assisting in putting down the drive veil for the water works company On Saturday night with a companion named Charles Conrath, he took the ackard street car, mistaking it for he car which goes up Wïlliam street. The Packard street car had a trailer attached, and as usual at the Hanover car switch, Superintendent Fall, who was running the motor, uncoupled the trailer and went ahead with he motor with the purpose of backng up and getting on the other side of the trailer. Morse and Conrath fot up aad went out on the platform of the motor. As the cars stopped, Conrath got off, Morse cautioning him about getting off. These are the last vords he is known to have spoken, ío one was with him on the platform after Conrath got off. The motor went ahead to get clear of the switch and the moment the car began to back, a sudden jar was feit. The car was at once stopped and Morse was found o be lying, face upward, under the ar, the wheel having passed over his arms and chest. He gave one gasp and died. No sound was heard. Both arms and a shoulder blade were broken, and his chest and ribs crushed. A coroner's inquest was held Sunday, the verdict of the jury being that Morse carne to his death by a cause purely accidental and entirely exonerated the railroad company h-om all dame. Morse was ,1 few months over twenty-ttve years old. The funeral seric-cs were held yesterday afternoon.