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North Lake

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Dnadllla has a new printing office now. Sheep shearing and corn cultivating are aow at hand. Mrs. R. C. Gleun is now nble to resume her household duties. alter a few wrck' lllness. Saoa Guering, ï Chelsea, spent one day lasi reeb in tishing at the lake II ow ïnaiiy fish he eauglit we do not know. Sam always has a two-horse wagon aiui goes home with a load of the (inest fish. Ma tic and Rose Glcnii have a young dog which they purchased of Wm. Hudson. i Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, of Unadilla, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mapes, of Plainfield, visited their cousins, S. A. Mapes and wife, last Saturday. Theodore Wood and wife, of Chelsea, spent last Sunday with the lamily of Wm. Wood, of this place. W. H. Glenn's residence has just received a new coat of paint. C. A. Mapes and wife, of Putnam, visited at W. H. Glenn's, last week. Mr. Isaac Glenn and wife, of Henrietta, are visiting relatives and friends in this viclnity for a few days. They wiH make a tour to the northern part of the state. r Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dutton and Dr. and Mrs. Reeves, of Plainfield, visited at W. H. Glenn's last week, and spent part of the day in fishing. Mr. and Mrs. John Mapes, of Stockbridge, passed through here one day last weok, in route for Dexter. R. S. Whalian will plant about 45 acres of beans this year. W R. King is the right hand man. S. A. Mapes and wife have returned from their winter tour to the sunny south, concluding that "there is no place like home." They experienced about 70 days of rain during their six month's visit. During the trip they visited X.ookout and Kennesaw mountains and picked up many relies of the war, consisting of muaket, cannon balls, bullets, etc., and would be pleased to show their specimens to all who visit them. W. H. Glenn suffered a se veré attack of la grippe and for some time has been confined to the house. He was not affected like many but thinks it did him good.