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The basement walls of the new school building are nearly finished. Will Stedman and wife were íq Detroit, Tlmrsday of last week. .Tunius E. Beal, of Ann Vrfoor, was li ii' on business, Tuesday last. Isaac l-i'tts. oí Dnadilla, vislted Ms brother hcre xhe first of the week. Haylng will be in order week after next. The erop will be a good one. Mr. J. W. Speer and child went to Battle Creek,' Tuesday, to vislt relativuti. Sheep shearers are in demand this week and there are not enough to supply it. Next Saturday is children's day and will be properly observed by all the churches. Godfrey Kempf, of Pullman, 111., was here to atten the funeral of his son, Tueaday. apt. E. P. Allen tfas here Tuesday morning on his way f rom Sliaron to Ypsilanti. The Catholie pcople have named their new cemetery east of town, "Mount Olivet Cemetery." sound building yet. The old sign ou front of it "Cash for wheat and wool" is now obUterated. Mucli needed Lmprovements are beinir made in the building and repairing side and cross-waiks. The ladies of the M. E. church wül serve ice cream at the Babcock building, Saturday night Some kind of insects are eating the leaves from cherry, pluin and even apple trees in this. vicinity. The glorious Fourth will be eelebrated here by picnics and family gath■enings at the summer resorts Prof Hall and family went to North Stockbridge, last Saturday to visit Airs Hali's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord. Quite a large number from here went to Ann Arbor Wednesday with the excursión to the Germán celebration. The warm days this week have caused some to begin preparing their lake cottages for occupancy sometime 9OO1Í. In spite of the good growing weather the barley looks now as if it would have short straw and a light erop of grain. Seven or eight fine new residences are in process of erection in this village and several more are contemIated. The Manchester and Chelsea bal] clubs played here Tuesday and the score was 28 to 27, in favor of Manchester. The saloons of this place are required to close at nine o'clock and it is better for the saloons as well as the people. J. W. Wallace has treated hls house to a new coat of white paint. It was the first store built ín this village by E. Condón, about 1853. It is a good The Chelsea Cornet band will play i ii the open air every Saturday night if the people will bulld a stand for them to play on. By all means let us build the stand. Mrs. Priestely and daughter left here last Thursday for Philadelphia to visit relatlves there and will sail about the first of next month for their home in Yorkshire, England. Joseph Heim, living a few miles south of here, recently had a tubular well put down by G. H. Foster. At the depth of 12 feet a stream was struck which throws the water seven or eight feet above the ground and is a fine flowing well. The Methodist, Baptist and Consregregationnl churchett wü'. h '.. gervtcew Stinday n'ghts [jturing the heat■(] berm. The ürsi one waé held last Sunday nighi at the BaptLri ehureh. Cncreasing the tari í on wool has not prevented 11 trom Roing lower, whlle taking tli ■ tarill ofl of gugnr and j.-n-tly o:f of binding twine iias mode 1idt:i ai-tlcrles much eheaper. The moral of these faets is --,ii! a1 The ixxlv of Calvin Keinpl arrired Monda} morning and the sad funeral was lield ar the .M fi. chnrch, Tuesday moniing. It eeeme that a tnis-step cutariííled him in the line aud whhfletrees of hls umi team which ran away and kick. (! and dragged liim to tfeath A business nifii's organization was effected here Tuesday night to ;uard againsi dead beats. F. 1'. Glazler was elected president, W. 1'. Schenk, seeretary and M. Boyd, treasurer. Twentysix .states are now organlzed tor self protection vvltl) headquarters at Chicago. , The markets have been very dull tlio past week and generally lower Wheat still comes in siowly and brings $1.02 for white and 99 et -. for red Rye is all in and nominal ai 80 ets.: bi-rley, the same ai $1.25; oats bring42ctg., eggs, 13 ets and bintey 12 1-2 ets. Potatoes, .s. ets., beans, $1.75.