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■■_ SAGH, ABEL & GO. -SERIES OF- SPECÍAL 4HM ! No. 1. 3000 yards of printed Cotton Challies, Best Make, at oc per yard. No. 2. 3000 yards of Columbia, printed Cotton Serges, at 9c per yard, worth 12c per yard in a regular way. No. 3. 25 pieees of Atlantic E. Cashmeres, at 25c per yard, 36 incbes wide and a beaütiful line of colors. No. 4. 20 pieees of All-Wool Henrietta at 50c per yard. 40 inches wide and all the new shades. No. 5. 35 pieces of Plaided and Striped French Organdies, Fast Black, Newest Patterns and lowest prices. The handsomest line of these goods ever shown in this city. No. 6. 40 pieces of Striped Zephyr Ginghains at 10c per yard. The same goods are sold by ordinary dealers at 15 cents. No. 7. 100 dozens of Ladies, Full Kegular, Fast Black Hose, at 25c per pair. These goods cost more to import than we have made the price. No. 8. Black Dress Laces. We arë showing 40 different styles ranging in price from $1 to $5 per yard, aud to say that that they make the most genteel dress for a lady is simply stating the truth. Our stock will supply the material needed. No. 9. Reefer and Blazer Jackets, and we have put ourselves in position to supply the demand from the Plain Black Cheviot to the Natty White Yacht Cloth. All made in the latest style, coupled Avith the lowest prices. No. 10. Kid and Fabric Gloves, Mit'ts, IIosiery, Laces, Buchings, Muslin and Knit Underwear. Our stock of these articles will afford you genuine satisfaction as it supplies your wants at very low prices for good goods. BAOS, ABEL & CO., 26 S. MAIN STREET. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOUND - An umbrella, on State Street. Owner can have the same by callin at this office, and proving property. 41-9 FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with 8ix rooms eaoh in New Bloek on State Street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. m- tí. FOR SALE- Three Cows, two Open Buggïes and Phaeton, two sets of Single Harnees, Hay Press, and Billiard TaWe. C. H. R1CHMOND, 60 East Hurón street. 39-49 FOR RENT- Offices suitable for Doctor, Lawyer or Dentist, over W. D. Adam s Bazaar. No. 13 South Main street. C. H. WCHMOND, 60 East Hurón street 39-49. ANN ARBOR NUKSERY-Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and pear a speeialty. Grape vines, berry plante, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. 1 )PER CENT INVESTMENTS !- County and 1'íTownshipsecurities. No risk, nocollection expenses, reouire no attention, absolutely safe! Address E. Berrigan, Principal State Normal School, Milnor, North Dakota. 31-53 FOR RENT- Unfurnished rooms for house keeping 5.00 and VI. 00 per montta. Onehalf of Iarge house, 10.00 per month, very convenient, large yard, water etc. Public Hall on Main St., for students or other society. Good office on Main St. New house and 6 acres of gTOund and fruit trees, a mile f rom Court House. Enquire of J. Q. A. bï.8_SIONS, Att'y and Real Estáte Agent. No. o North Main St. 33tí - FOR SALE-My horse and phaeton, all complete, robe, harness, whip etc, $176. Audress, Geo. W. Millen. 41-45 tf&t FOR SALE ORRENT-House No.ll Jefferson Street, near División ; possession, July 1. C. H. Richraond. 39-49 T?OR SALE.- Asecond-hand doublé buggy, ■T suitable for carrying milk to the creaniery. Enquire at this office. 41-4;FOR SALE AT A The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter oi Section 16 in the Township of York, about four miles trom Saline village. A good house and small barn on the premiees, known as tne Wesley Ouderkirk farm. Tor terms applyto E.B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. 45 tf. 7_} ÁSH_B' pinm'ra iirc fnxily eitrninfr froni 5 to ' l tT lOady. All op. Wsli.iw you hw T_ f '191 M n ■ttr an wor'1 'n pre tim W mtmWi Foilure unknown Bmonp theui. ■■i NEW ndwonderful. Paniculan frï. B.BaUUU 4c Co. ,B Portland, M fno