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m l Germán Remedy 3 TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. For those deatlily $1,000 will be paid J Bilious Spells depend for a case wnere SCLdon Sulpiub phük Bitters will J Ters, it will cure yon, not assist or cure. It g Ty.,„„ „,,w win, "everfails. ■ thattirtdandallRone Cleanse the vitiated dfeeling? If so, use blood when yon see ISl-lphur Bitters; t3 impurities burstA it will cure yon. jng through the skin A Opcratives vho are m Pimples, Blotches, Jcloselycoiinnedintue anl Sores. Rely on . milis and workshops; S"-1"", Bitters, Jclerks who do íiot and liealtb. will fol■ procure sufflcient exSüi.. ___ _„ , Jercise, and al 1 who Sulphur Bittehs lare coniuied indoors, will cure Liver ComJshould use Sulphur plaint. Don't be disJ Bitters They wil ouraged; itwiUcure not then be weak and you. 4 sickly. Hni . If you do not wish ?,VP???R BlTTEE í toeníferfroinKbeuinwillbmld you up and atism, use a bottle of J?aI?.e. 'ou str01'K and 1 Sulphdr Bitters; healtpy, it never fails to cure. Sclpiiur Bitters Don't be without a will make your blood . bottle. Try it; you pure, rich and srrong, iiniotresrTetit. and your flesh hard. ■Tádíenndeíícate" TryÜÍ!íÜRiBrT Shealtli, who are all ters to-night, and ' iBrnn down, should use you will sleep well ulpbürBitters. andfeenetterforit. ' Do you want the best Medical Work published Send three 2-ct. stamps to A. P. ORDWjtY & Co. Bostón, Mass., and receive a copy f ree. BEAL 8o POND Insurance Agent No. i South Main St., Aun Aroor, The oldest agenev m the city. Ls tablished a quarter of a eentury ago Representing the followins; first-class oompanies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207 ,20t Niagura Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,063 Girard Ins. Co. of Phila. - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London 12.000,000 Liverpool, JLondou and ilobe&? '"10.000 fgf{ates lovi. Losses libernlly adjustea and promptly paid. BEAL & POXD. 7 PER CENT. NET. 7 PERCENT. NET CAPITAL, 8250,000. m mimi mm i Offers for sale, at par and accrued interest, its own seyen por cent., ílrst mortgraífe coupon bonds, (in amounts from $Í5O to fc.OCIO) on iraproved farm and city property, semi-annual interest. Absolute guarantee of interest and principal. Interest payable at Ann Arbor. For partícularg In regard to these safe and de sirable loans, consult W. D. HARBIMAN. ATTY., Ann Arbor, Mich. MAíiHÜOiJ tí ESTO RED. f2SJ. AVonderful panlsh J3 í" M WrittenGuarantee C J3f to cure al Nervous DisJkL _jájfir eases, euch as Weak raHy , íemory. Losa of Brain JSñpSSiE. Wakefulness, LogtManjSj?)fje6'tfmfo hood. N'ervousness, Líis!____ o, a i ii sltudc all dratos and BeTore et, Atter use. ]OB6 of power of the PhotoCTaphed'fromüfe. Generí'.'ve Organs, Ín i "- " cither 6ex. caufd by over-eiertlon, youthfal lndescretloas. or the cxcesslve ose of tobáceo, uplum. or stimulants. which ultlmately lesd to Inflrmlty. Cousumptlon aDd Insanity. Put up Ín convenlent form to carry in the vest pocket. Prlce tl a package, or 6 for $5. Wlth every t5 order we glve a written jruarantec to cure or refund the money. Seut by ma;l to any atldress. Circular free. Mentlon thls paper. Addrcss, MADRID CHEMICAL C0,, Branch Office for U. S. A. 417 TV-rhoru Street, CHTCAGO. ILL. FOIÍ SALE IN AXX ARBOR, MICH., BY Mann Bros., Drugllets, 39 South .Main St. J. J. Goodycar'e Brug Store, So. 5 South Main St. iBE&k, Mrs. Allen's Parlslan Face Bleach mSfflïB Golden Hair Wash. Mamma Dura, for dcvelD7oP'nP íe 'ust Rusma, for removinff superflu. ■5 S ous hair. BanL dressing. All goods wholesale ml TJ and retal!. Send 2 ets. for illustrated circular. 2 Fu" line of fine hair goods. Mrs. R. W. Alien, % 219 Wood.Av., Detroit, Micb. Sold by druggists. MM M ■ ■ SAMPLES SINT FREE of spring pstterns with H Mm ■ borders and cellings to ■■ ImW ■ ■ match. One half ruillion ■ S mM Hm roll.i olTercd at wholessla will send youthemostB H IM1 popular colorings, and BV Mt WF ■ uarantee to save you ■ HH ■ nj"i- AlfíEOPfiIS.1 ■■■ Mil WU Puper Mcrcht, 636 W. Washlilgtoa-6t.Chi!iO