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Program Of Commencement Week

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Saturday, June 20: 0 a. m.- Examinatlon of cajidldatee for admlsalon. Sundny, June 21: p. m. - Dedicatimi of Newberry Hall, the new building of the Btudents' Chrlstlan Association. 8 p. m. - Discourse to the graduating classes toy Presldeni Angel] in Ciuvcrshy hall. Monday, .Tune 2:!: a. ni Kxamination of candidatea for admlssion. Class il.-iy, department ol law: 2 p. m - Address by class president, N. a. Phillips, class hlstory by Harry D. Jeweli, class i m by Prederick a. Henry, oration by Linneaus s. Baldwiii, prophecy by Eli R. Sutton, valedlctory by Saín B. Low; 8 p. m.- Oigan recital by Prof Stanley in the Congrejrational chureh. Tuesday, June 23: 10 a. m.- Annual meeting of the board of regent; il.iss day, department of literature, acience and the arts: 10 a. in.- Ia üniversity hall. oration by Walter H. Nichols and poem by Miss Ida L,. Hibbard; 2 p. m.- Under the Tappan oak, class history by Orville R. Hardy, prophecy by Miss Kathërine F.. Sumner addross by the president, Robert P. l.:mi(.iit: 8:30 p. m.- Clasg recention in the pavilion. Wednesday, June 24: Alumni day, departmemi of llterature, science and ' tlie arts. Special reunions of classes: 0 a. m.- Meeting o! alumni of studente' chrlstlan assoclatlon in Newberry hall; 2 p. m.- Business meeting of alumni of department of llterature, science and the arts in the Chapel. Department of medicine and surgery: 11 a. m.- Business meeting of the alumni of department of medicine and surgery in the lower lecture room of the medical college, with address by Eugeue Boise, A. B., M. D., 'OO, of Grand Rap-" ids; 1 p. va., dinner of alumni of the department. Uepartment of law: 2 p. m. -Business meeting of alumni of the department of law in room 74, north wing, University hall; 4 p. ni.- In Üniversity Hall, address to the alumU and law studente by Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, LL. D., of Wilmlngton, Del. Department of phnrmacy: 10:30 l. in.- In room A, chemieal building, business meeting of the alumni of the school of pharmacy; 12:30 p. m- Díbïer of the alumni, followed by an adIresa by 8. E. Parkell, of Owosso. Deartmemt of dental surgery: 2 p. m.- At the dental college, meeting of the Tlumni by members of the association; 8 p. m.- In r'niversity hall, annual commencement concert under the direction of Trof. Stanley, Mrs. (icnevra Bishop, of Chicago, 111., soprano. !) p. m.- In the chapel, Üniversity senate reception for graduates, former students and friends of the Üniversity. Thursday, June 25: The forty-seventh annual announeement: 9 a. m.- Procession formed in front of the law milding; 10 a. m.- In University hall, commencement exercises: oration by Daniel C. Gillam, president of Johna Hopkins University; conferring of degrees. At the close of these exercises the processlon wil] re-form under the direction of Harrlson Soule and proceed to the commencemeni illnner, which wlll be aerved in the law lecture room.