Itev. Mr. Conrad visited the city of Ann Arbor Old Mrs. Samgree is very sick wlth tut very little hopes of recovery. Mr. Kowle is spending a few weeks Wlth her sister, Mrs. I). P. McLachlan. ' ' d 'rienda in Thp rieinity of Ann Arbor, last week. Ir is rumored that Amos Hall wiU manufacture bnc,k and tile in the near future.. Quite a ::u!i!i many attended conimencement exercises at Milan, Tuesday evening. A. G. Mclntyre has sold nis engine and boiler to a company in St Clair county, to put in a flax mili, and a man is here preparing It for shipment. The Baptists will hold a social, Tuesday afternoon and eveninj?, at the residonec of M'lo huĂ tli"""inctliodits an ice cream social, Thursday, at Mr. Moore's.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
A. G. McIntyre
Milo Clark