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T. B. Taylor, of Jackson, was here on business, last Friday. C'. E. Letts and daughter, of Detroit, have been here several days, this week. i Wheat is ;iloui all in and balance sliipmi'nts are ordered made this month. Mrs. D. H. Fuller went to Battle Ereek, Wednesday, to visit her son and other relatlves tliere. Hiram Pierce has his fine new basement horse barn completed and ready to receive his hay erop. The average urchin goes in swimtning twice a day these warm days, In the creek north of town. The thermometer was 103 in the shade, here, Sunday afternoon and not much below that, Monday. Miss Eva Taylor will go to Three Oaks, next Saturday, to visit her aunt, Mrs. Avery, and other relatives there. ' Elmer Smith, of Oaldaayl, California, is spending a íew weeks here with relatives. He travels for a Detroit wholesále house. All the churches were well attended last Sunday night and intorestiug exercises by the children appropriate to Childrens' day were had. The wool buyers are only talking about 23 cents for good waslfé3wbol. None has been delivered here yet and it will come in very slow at that prico. ïhe union service will be at the AI. E. church, next Sunday night . The market has dern dull and nomina the past week. Very little produce has moved. For the first time in many months there was not a load of wheat nor any other graiu brought here last Tuesday. Wheat stands at $1 for white and 96 ets. for red, oats, 42 ets; rye, 80 ets.; eggs, 14 ets.; butter, 13 cents. Strawberrles ralsed in tbig vieinity wcre in tho market the latter pari pi last weck and sold rapidly ar lS ets. per quart. The erop will bc llght. Hay i-ak ■, teddi vu and mow rs have gCtts out from 'here thls week in large numbars ml gome Farmers háve commenced haying, though next week wlll haylng Week. The hay erop is eomüm; out mueli lighter than was expectcd hvo weeks ago, oñ account of the late, hot dry weather. Timothy, especially is nnnsually llght. A. j Woodin died at his residence in 1 1 i - vlllage las! Saturday nin-ht, of paralysis. He had Ix;en 111 some time vvith the grippe and had not recovered trom that whoji he was prostrated with a stroke of paralyels, from whieh he iicvcr rallied. He was 75 years old and had spent most of his long life in and near thlB vülage. He was a sood and consistent member of the i. E. church and was respected and beloved fi.v a large eirele ol frienda and acqualntances. He meant to be rïght la all tlia.t he did and few men pais ■iway more ncucrally regretted. He lefi a wife and irrown up famlly to mourn his loss. He was burii-d Monday in the family lot at the Sylvan cemetery.