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Estáte of Edwin A. Peirce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 88. At a sespion of the ProtMite C'ourt for me County of WnBhtenaw, oldenai th;Prot)ate Office in the City of Ann Arboe. on Tucsday, the stcond day of June in the fear one taousand eight huudred and ninety-one. Present. J. Willard Bnbbitt, Jndge 01 Prolmte, In the matter ol the eaute oí Edwin A. Peirce, deeeased. Charles II. Eempf, the admirastrator, of said ■omesinto oourt and lepresents that he is otiwpirpiired to rel, lier .ijs final aconnt ia such kidmiiifstvtfctof. '1 utiieupon h is orfK'rvii. that Tuesday, the 30th tiny of June Instant, at ten o'clock in the fortr.oon, be atisigued lor eiamlnlng Mld ftllowing such account, and the heirs at law of sai'l deceaaed ami all other persons iulerestei in s.tul estáte, aro rquired to oi'penr it ,i leesïou of eai.i c-oort, tlien to bn holuaD at tl-e Probate Office, in ti.e city uf alu Arbor, in miü couuty, and s-how cause, if any there bc, why the scid -iccount should nol be all'oweil : And it ia fnrther ordercd, thtit said aómiiiiftr?tor civo noticc to the pemons interesied ín ail estáte, oí the penáeney of siú account, and thehearin? thereof, by causinga copy of tbis order to be puhlKhed m the Ann Aruor Argus, a newëpnper nrinted and circnlatitlKinsaid countv. ï b ?ee si!' ct-Pive weet previm-s to sridday OÍ biíanují. I. WIL!. Ai: D RABRfTT, ÍA TKL'E COPV) Judijc of Probate. Wili-iav i,. Doty. Probate Reirister, Jeanie A. Evans. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of Washtenaw. ss. At a sea ion of the Probate Oourt tor the Countv of IVftshttnaw. hoi den at the Proiiatt: Oifice in the citv of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the first dav oí" June, in the ycar one thousnntl eight h'ndred aud ninety-one. Frcsent, J. ty'ihurd Babbitt. JuUpe of Probnte. In the matter of the estáte of Jeanie A. Evans, deceased. BhermanS. Rogers, exeontorof the last will and testaaient oí" s id decensed, comes into court and representa that be is now preparad to render hie final account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered that Tncsdny, the 30th day of June instant at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examininjí and allowintí such account, ana that the deviseeB, legaiees and heirs-at-lav of said üeceasetï, a rui a othtr oer?uüe mterested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of snid Court then to be holden at lhe probate office in the ei tv of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there he, why the said account should nol be allo wed : Aud it ia i'urinei ordered tb at said executor give uotice to the persomintereeted iu said eetatc, of the pendency of sai( accoQnt,and tbfi hearing thereof, by causíne a J copyof thisurder tobe publielied in tb e Ann Arbo: [ Argus, a uewspaper printed ard fireuïatiniusaid I county three successive wceksprviou to snid day of hea'riuj. J. WILLABD BABblTT, [A truecopy] Jwdge oí' Trábate Wm.O. üott. Probate Register. hstate of Francís Woodbridge. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY f Washtenaw.s. At a session oí Ihe Probate Court for the County of Washtenuw. holden at úie Prob.ue Otüce. in the City of Aon Artor. on Kriday, the twenty-ninth day of May in t bt jfcur out thousKud eight hundred and iuuetyone. Pie8ê"nt, ■). Willard Babbitt, Jndgeof Probate. In the matter ot the estáte of Francia Woodbridge, deceased. On reading and fiüng the peution, duly verified, of Alice Woodbridge, praying tbat administration of said estáte may be grunteu to herself or eome other suiiable person. Thereupon it ia ordered, tbat Monday, the twenty-ninth day of June, nextt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assiened for the hearine of eaid petition, ani that the heirs-at-law of said deceawd, and al! other pereonB interested in said ütate, are requireü to ap)eax at sps'iion of said court tlii'il to he bolden at tbe Probate oflice in tlie cityofAnn Arbor, :md nhnw cause, if any tbere be, why tlie prayerof tbe petitioner should not be grarted : And it iuiurtheï ordered that BHiii petitioner give notice to tbe persons intprested in lid entate of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thexeoi, by causing u cojiy üf this order to be published in tbe Ann Aheok ARGrs,anew3pjiper printetï and eirculated in said county, three succeesive weeks (jrevious to 3ad day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, A true copy.] Judge ol' Probate. ffa. G. Doty, Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been mnde in the eondit:ons of aeertaiu mortgage made by Kichard Brown and Catherine Brown to Ihouias Keai-ricy, dated March 5, A. D. 1885, and recordedinthe office of the Register of Deeds, or the County of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, on the flfth day of March. A D, 1885, u Liber 4 of Mortgages, on page 438 on which raortgage there ie claitned to be due at the date of this notice the sum of two thousand eigbt hundred and ninety-nine dollars and Ifty 'nine cents, and an attoruey's fee of thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suitor proceed'ngs at law having been in8tituted to recover the moneys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of Bale contained in said inortgage, and the statute in sucn case made and provided, notiee is hereby given that on Friday, the tenth day of July, A. D. 1891, at teu o'clock in the forenoon. I shall sell at Public Auctlon, to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premiees deseribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be neces8ary to pay the amount due on saici mortgage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorneys fee of thirty dolíais eovenanted for therein, the premises being deseribed in 6aid mortgage as all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate in the Township of Webster, in the County of Waehtenaw and State of Michigan and k'nown and deseribed as follows: The east half of the north-east quarter of seetion, number one in township number'one south of ransre number flve, east. THOMAS KEAIINFï, Mortgagee. Thos. D. Kkarney, Attorney for Mortgagee. Estáte of Ellicott Evans. TATB OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probite Court, for the Connty of Washteuaw, hollen at the Probate OtSce in the City of Ann . rbor, on Monday, the flrst dar of June, ín ;he year one thousand eight hundred and ; jinety-one. S Present, J. Willard Babliitt, Judjre of j: 3ate. s In the matter of the estáte of Ellicott Evans, deceased. On reading and filinfr the petition, duly I Sed, of Spauldmg Evans, praying that a I tain instrument now on flle in this court, I porting to be the last will and testament of said deceased. may be admitted to probate, I md that administraron of said estáte may be grranted to hiinself as exeeutor or someother suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 29th day' of June instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the deviBees, legatees and heirs at law of said ceased, and all other persons interested in ■ said estáte, are required to appear at a session , of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Anditis further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, ( of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Aun Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated jin said county, j three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. VVILLAKD BABBITT, LA true copy.l Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Hegister. , AGENTS _ 1 ENTIRELY WANTED I 8f I NEW B00K The most wonderful colleetion of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel of money-eaving and money-earning for every oneowning it. Q'housandsof beautiful, helpful enravings, showing justhowto do everything. No competition; nothing like it in the universe, When you select that which ís of true valué, sales are sure. All sipcerely desiring pavinsr om ployment and lookiug for something thoroughly Hrst-class at an extraordinary low price, shoúld write lor description and terma on the most remarkable achievement in bookmakiug since the world began. SCAMMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOUIS orPHILADELPHIA. ÏVT G. BürTS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Real Estáte and Colleetion Agent. Omci: In Masonic Block.