Runaway, Thursday, but no damage Jone. Miss K. Knight is entertaining guests this week . M"rs. Johnson is entertaining guests for a few days. Home made straw berries at 10 ets. per quart, this week. Mrs. Woolcott is entertaining guests trom Ypsilanti. this week. Tlie M. E. church will observe Cb.ildren's da.v, Sunday' mornlng. The Y. P. S. C. Ë. Jee cream social took in $17.60, Saturdáy night . Several of the business iirms will ehange locations, this summer. Milán will celébrate the Fourth of Jiily with races and ball playlng. V lawn tennis court may be established in Milan in tlie near future. Rev. Jay Huntington baptised one at the Saline river, Sunday afternoon. Summer resorts are being talkeQ of and soon migration will be in order. Mr. Charles Thompson will move hls clothing store to Kalamazoo, next month. Miss Graee Huntington will sojourn in Grass Lake city for a íew days this month. Miss Gracia McGregor returned frora a two weeks' visit with friends in Detroit, Saturday. The Cliequamegons will furnish music for the Milan commencement, Tuesday. Thp commencement programme is as follows: Music. Invocation. Music. Essay, "Opportunities for Success," Hattie Jacobs. Music. Recitation, "A Glance Behind tjje Curtain," Jessie Holcomb. Music. Oration, "Causes of the Changes of Government," James Clark. Music. Presentation of Diplomas. Music. Benediction.