Prof. Dennison was in Lansing, Tuesday. i Edward Claney is vigiting friends in Canada. Airs. Dr. Vaughan has gone to Old Mission. Mrs. Fred Graíf and son have gone to Chicago. Dr. W. H. Jaekson has returned ïrom the Oakland. Mrs. Williarn Alclntyre has been visiting in Monroe. Miss Clara Macis lcft yesterday for a visit in Chicago. Mrs H. N. Chute leaves in a day or two, ior Toronto. Michael Staebler was in Chicago, the first oí the week. Dr. M. C. Sheehan, of Detroit, was in the city. Tuesday. Miss Viola Winslow has been visiting friends in Battle Creek. Mise Clara Gott, of Chicago, is spending a few days in the city. William Hayden, of Grand Rapids, was in the city over Sunday. Mrs. D. A. McDonald has returned from Detroit and Mt. Cíemeos. Dr. ffancrede has rented a cottage at North Lake for the summer. Miss Fannie Steel-., of Detroit, is visiting her Ann Arbor friends. Mrs. Bevis, of Toronto, was in the city, the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Manu attended the wedding of Charles Mann, in Detroit. William Walker, of Andover seminary, has returned home for the vacation. Col. Henry S. Dean attended a meeting oí the Loyal Legión in Detroit, last Friday. George E. Hargrave, state editor of the Detroit Tribune was in the city, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.W. A. Clark are attending a reunión of the Eighth Michigan . in Hastings. Mrs. Wilber Short and daughter, of Bridgewater, visited their unele's, '' Charles Binder. Hon. Byron W. Waite and family - of Muskegon, are visiting at Densmore Cramer's. ) Ex-Postmaster Edward Duffy and Judge W. D. Harriman were in Paw 3 Paw, the first of the week. Miss Eobinson ,of the high school, leavea to-morrow for Alpena, where she will spend the vacation. I Rev. Henry Tatlock exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. H. Johnson, of Cbriat } church, Detroit, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George DeForest, of ] Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs. DeForest, of North División street. Mrs. Aliee Wilson, of Chicago, is spending six weeks with her mother, Mrs. Norman Chapín, of Fifth avenue. Mrs. Giles Lewis, fo Chicago, who has been visiting her brother, C. S. f Millen, returned home the first of the .week. . , , Li :.t!_i. ,t_ .1.1 l Mrs. Dr. Hamilton Smith of Detroit, -svill pass the summer here -with lier little soji at the reeidenee of her sister, Mrs. Hyde, on South División street. ifrs. Paul, nee Jewett, of Montreal, wit li her family has arrlved in the city and will óccupy the residence of Bev. Mr. Brabshaw, on División street, for the summer.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Edward Clancy
Mrs. Fred Graff
W. H. Jackson
Mrs. William McIntyre
Clara Mack Hawley
Mrs. H. N. Chute
Michael Staebler
M. C. Sheehan
Viola Winslow
Clara Gott
William Hayden
D. A. McDonald
Fannie Steele
Charles Mann
William Walker
Henry S. Dean
George E. Hargrave
Mrs. W. A. Clark
Mrs. Wilber Short
Charles Binder
Byron W. Waite
Densmore Cramer
Edward Duffy
Henry Tatlock
J. H. Johnson
George DeForest
Alice Wilson
Mrs. Norman Chapin
Mrs. Giles Lewis
Hamilton Smith