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Local Brevities

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The board of supervisors meet next Monday . Ypsilanti will celébrate the Fourth of July, this year. Dr. Dell is building a new barn on West Huroai street. The letter carriers wiïl come out in new summer uniforms. The Saline farmera' club rüet a1 C C. "Warner's, last Friday. Saline will have a baloon ascensión and parachute drop, July 4. The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti street railway are running regular trains. The barn oí James Moneghan, near Geddes, was struck by liglitning, last Thursday. The Amn Arbor Agricultural Company ship four hay presses to Oregon, to-morrow. Eugene Helber has purchased tlie Parsons property, conslsting of cighty acres, in Saline. Peaches are reported at 71 percent, of an average erop in Washtenaw In the June erop report. Bishop Davies administered the rite of confirmation in St. James church, Dexter, last Tuesday. The committees have been appointed for tlie Germán Day celebration in Manchester, August 19. Ypsilanti's bonded indebtednpss amounts to $180,500. Her citizens have just voted to add $20,000 to it. The number of bushèïs of wheat reported as marketed at the milis 5u this county since August, 1890, is 529,9."1. William Way, a son of Bradley Way, of Bridgewater, died of heart disease and dropsey, June 4, aged twenty-frwo years.. The picnic of the Southern AVashtenaw and Northern Lenawee association was held at Sand lake, last Satnrday. Some Toledo fisherman eaught a sevonteen and a quarter pound pickei'el in Whitmore lake, the early part oï this month. The Ypsilanti home association has distributed $414.99 in money, clothing and groceries among 102 families during the past year. Just two inches of rain feil in tliis city during May. The heaviest rainfall of the month was May 11, when 1.09 inches of rain feil. Aid. Martin thought last Monday cvening that tlie committees on sewerage would be able to report at the next meeting of the eouncil. The Strawberry meeting of the Horticultura] Society will be held in their room in the court house at two o'clock, tomorrow afternoon. Dr. Gibbes reaG the amnual address upon the practice of medicine, before the State Medical Society, last Tinirsday. His topic was Cousumption. The great auction sale of the Grand View subdivisión occurrs next Tlmrsday at two o'clock. As every lot will be sold, a chanco iot some great bargains is offered. The Dexter high school graduating class numbers sevon this year: Anna Bross, Mary Croarkin, Emma Cunningham, Edith Warren, Allie Bennett. Elmer L-yon, George Wurster. The average wages per month for farm hands in this county with board is $17.56 per month and $25.47 without board. This is a few cents higher than the average in adjoining counties. It is stated that a Ypsilanti Normal student who failed to pass in one of the examinations for graduation, lelt so badly that nothing but poison sufficed. Tne dose was mot strong enough to kill. ' ; ; i. ■' The hottest May day in Ann Arbor this year was May 31, when the thermometer was 80, the coldest was May 5, when it was only 28. The average temperature for the month was 56 flegrees. lirs. Patrick O'Kiley has been granted a -widow's pension through W. K. Childs' agency, under the statute of June 27, 1890. Ira Aldrich has also been granted an original pension of $8 a month. A painter in this city feil íroni a ladder placed against a house the other day. His paint feil atter liim and when he reached the bottom he was covered from head to loot with a highly colored paint. The June erop report shows wheat in Washtenaw county as giving promise of 101 per cent. of an average erop and corn, 102, while oats are reported at 88 per cent. The average here is much higher than it is in the state. A committee of four supervisors of Muskc-gon visited thé j&tt, Monday. MuskcRon wil] build a new jail and is examtning the Jail here, in Detroit and in Port Hurón. The committee txpressed themselves as well pleased viih the Washtenaw jail. The exeeutive board of the Art Loan at their linal meeting, June 15, passcd a vote of thanks to all wlio asslsted them so generously and thus contributed largely to the success of the enterprise. ANNIE CONDÓN, Secretary. President Angelí delivered the commencement addres at the l'niversity of Kansas, in Lawrence, last week, his subject bein; "ïhe Development of State. Universitiw. ' In the evening he responded to the toast "The University of Michigan" at a banquet in Topeka. Josepli McCollum, of Bridgewater, brought a daaidy wool clip of iortyone fleeces, weig-hing 220 pounds, into town on Friday of last week, and it was purchased by the Woolen Mfg. Co. It was taken from liis ïlock of three-quarter blood Shropshires, and Mr. Kimball say.s it is the bost clip the coinpany ever bouglit in this vicinity. - Clinton Local. A female itinerant, giving her name as Mary Stuart, landed here Tuesday evening and conducted herself as only a womatn who is full of "bug juice" can. After smashing a window out of the passenger house and otherwise disturbing the peace, she was incarcerated in the village bastile. Wednesday morning Justice Grane íined her $20 and not being in funds, Mary will board with sheriff Dwyer for the next 30 days. - Dexter Leader. We cali the attention of the readers of the Argus to the notice of the Coinnieneement Concert in our advertising columns. 'finís will be the last concert of the season and will be a very brilliiint affair. The program to be given will contain a great deal of varlety and is full of melody. This Commcncernent Concert is the one opportunlty our l'ricnds have of hearing the concerts whïch' are attractlng so much attention, and as It is a gala time in the" student calender. üniTersity Hal3 should be packed. William Bush, a highly respeeted Citizen of Ann Arbor town, living just north of the city, died Wednesday evening, after an illness oi eight weeks. He was sixty-nine years of age, April 7, last, and liad resided in this county since he was twenty-one years of age. He was bom in the Ktnte of NewYork and roarried there, coming to Michigan in 1843. He resided for many years in Superior where he had the respect and esteem of nis neighbors. He removed to Ann Arbor town eight years ago. He was twice married, and leaves four children. He served as justice of the peace and in -various other township offices. He was a staunch democrat.