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lOFFICIALl. I CoüNCIL Cbamber, Jne 15, 1891 . Regular meeting. Called to order by President Cooley. Roll cali: Present- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendlnger, Fillmore O'Hearn, Pergnson, Behberg, Hall, KitBon and Preslflent Cooley. Absent- Aid. Taylor. Minutes of previous meetiug read and approved. ( "MMUNICAT10NS. To the Hon. Cornvnon (Jounnl: I havo the pleasure of announcing to you iiuit the snit ol David Henning vs. the City oí Aun Arbor and the Michigan Central Railroad, after negotiation and settlement bas been dl continued as to the city without costs, liy stipulation of counsel. Both the city and Mr. Henning are to bo congratnlated upon this amicable férmination of what promised to be mol (iiilv n tedióos and expensive litigatlon, but also an nnpleasant and distastcful atrife between an honored former townsman and the city of his deepest affeetions and fondest memories. I venture to suggest that the warrant heretofore ordered drawn for the preliminary contingent expenses of the City in this suit be ordered cancelled and tho sum then appropriated be paid to our counsel, Hon. A. J. Sawyer, upon a proper warrant to be isHTtoñ Mr. Sawyer .cave tfiis case the inllest ixMiofit of bis wide cxpoiionee and ricli loíral knowledge and skill and liad prepared bimself thoroughly on all points Ín controvpi-sy. The compensation siürffp.ctpd is modest and moderate for his valuabje services. WIT.LTAM Cí. DOTY. Mayor. Roceived and placed on file. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the order heretofore dra wn for the purpose of defraying expenses of the city in the case of Henninc; vs. City of Ann Arhor and M. C. R. R. ibe caneelled and that the Kum of three hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated from the contingent fund in favor of A. J. Saivyer, for his services as attorney for the city in said case. Yeas- Aid. Mann. Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore. Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall Kitson, and President Cooley.- 12. Nays - None. Tb the Hon. Common Council of the City of Ann Arhor, Mich.: The Ann Arbor Arbeiter Verein desires to expresa the thanks of the General Arbeltor Bund of tln State of Michigan, to the Common Council for the honor conferred by tlie action of His Stonor tIic Mayor and council at the annual convention of the Arbeltèr Bund, held June 9. 10 andll. ANN ABBOB ARBEITEB VEBEIN. By Cl ' ' RTIN. President. Beeeived and placed on file. To William ,1. Miller, City Clerk: I have the honor to inform you that thvsAnr Á-bov '"-"..-s Men'R Association have appointed the following eommittee to act with the committee of the Conncll in reference to the question of sewera#e: G. Frank Allmendinppr; Juniua E. Beal, Herman Hut zei, Heury S. Dean and Frederick Schmid.' Respectfully, EUGENE K. FRÜEAUFF, June 15, 1891. Cor. Sec'y. Received and placed on file. ORDINANCE C0JI1IITTEE. First readinir of an Ordinance relative to "Licenses" t)y title. Second reading of an Ordinance relativo to "Licenses," by sections. STREET. Ohairman Hiü asked for fnrther time to make a report on Mr. and Mrs. Paquettc Pelen street matter, whieh was granted. To the Hon. Comtnon Council of the City of Anti Arbor, Midi. Tour Water Committee, to whom was refprred tlio matter of placing fire hydrants on Hill street, between AVashtenaw avenue and Twelfth street, beg leave to make the follo-n-ing report: We reeommond that two hydrants lie placed on Hill etreet, one 800 feet from the hydrant on Washtéhaw ave., corner of HUI, and one 700 feet from the hydrant corner of Hill and Twelfth providing the water company at the same time extend their six-inch mains on Forest avenue and East Fniversity avenue, to the main pipe on Hill street, thereby doing away with four dead ande. C. F. O'HEARN, E. G. MANN, GEO. AI.T.MENDINGER. v ommiiree. Reeelred and placed on filo. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Parks to wliom was referred the petition of J. H. Starks, relat i ve to the Court House lawn respectfully report that they have had the matter under consideration and find that Mr. Starks has without eompensation from the city, done a large amount of work on the lawn during last and the present year. We also find that under the arrangement heretofore made by the board of supervisors and our predecessors in office, ii has been and now is the duty of the city to take care of such lawn. We therefore rocommcnd that the salary pi Mr Stark as Janitor of the Council room and keeper of the lawn lp i'ixed at the sum of one hundred dollars per year, commenclng May 1, 1881. We also recommend that sueh salary after -May lst, 1892, be fixed at seventy-iive dollars per year. The Ulerease for the present year being recommended on account of past services for which he has received no pensation. A. H. FILLMORE, C. FRANK O'HEAEX, LOUIS. P. HALL, Committee. The report was accepted and adopted by the following: i Tea- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, tin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn Fei-gueon, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson anc Pree. Cooley. Níiys - Nono. BOND COMMITTEE. To the Common Couneil: Your Committee on Bonds would reepectfully report tliat they have examined the bond of 0. Eberbach & Son, with L. Gruner aad 10. C. Eberbach, Sur'etjeg, Tinrl would recommend tlic acceptaiice wlth the sureties named Vv'M. HERZ L. P. HALT,, E. G. MANN, ■ imlttee. n pon was accepted and adopted and bond apnroved. Your committee to whom was refórred the qnestion to determino the cost of removating refurnishing asad decor Ing the Couenil Chamber, would respectfully report and recommeod iluit $135.00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund for%Srpetin.u-, decorating and refurnishing the Council Chamber. L. D. WINES, C. F. O'HEAKX, . ii.l.IA.M HEKZ. Committee. The report was accepted and adopted by a majority of all the Aldermen elect voting therefore, by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, mendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rebberg, Hall, Kitsou and Pres. Cooley.- 11. Nays - Aid. Manu.- 1, By Aid. Hall: Resolved, ïhat the committee on decoratimg Counctt be continued and that the work be done at once. Carried. Aid. Willes moved that President Cooley be appointed a committee to investígate the procuring of a map for the Coutucil Chainber. Carried. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, That the salaries oí the members of the Board of Health be fixed tor the year 1891 at the following amounts: Health officer, $150; president, $50; inspector, $100 and these amounts shall include all compenëation foi1 extra services. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, .terguson, Kehberg, Hall Kitson and President Cooley.- 12. Nays- None By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved, That the report of the water committee in regard to plaeing t wo hydrants on Hill street be adopted umi tlie water company ordered to place sald liydrants at once. Aid Herz moved as an amendment that a hydrant be placed on Sevcinh street. i Teas- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, Fergusoo, Renberg, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley.- 9. Nays- Aid. Mann, Allmendinger and O'Hearn.- 3. On the resolution as amended. Yeas- Ald.Maun, Wine, Herz. Martin Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferj guson, Renberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley.- 12. Nays- ÏN'one. By Aid. O'Hearn: Resolved, That the water company are bereby ordered to blow off theewater mains and clean their reservoirs and water pipes according to their contract with the city, within five days, and that the City Clerk serve a certified copy of this resolution on Mr. A. W. Harailton, secretary of said company, and that the cleaning of the water workw reservoir amd mains be dome under the supervisión of theBoard Health , Carried. A petition signed by ten retidents and propeny owners on Observatory streel) for a sidewaJk on the west side of Observatory street from Geddes avenue to Ann street and two crossingrs across Volland and Belser strcets was received and referred to the sidewalk committee. ,l Aid. Manu moved that the earpet ín use in the Council room be placed in the City Clerk and City Attorney's oííiee. Carried. Council then adiourned. City Clerk.