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Miss Minuïe Owan, an Ovid livly, had a troublesome cougfa and took carbolic acid by mistake, supposing it to be her cough syrup. Minnie still lives, but she and her chough came very near being transplanted to a sphere where the aprings are supposed to be balmier than that of '91 has been here. The logging railway which runs from Manistique up iuto Luce county, a distance of fifty miles, is said to be. the longest log-hauling line in the state. Grand Haven has a new National bank of $100,000 capital stock, with Dwjght Cutler as president, and George Stickney, cashier. Bay City's new Polish church will be a maguificent elifice when completed, and the $80,000 necessary to build it was contributed largely by very poor people, many of whom have no homes of theii own. Ypsilanti niasons are desirous that a commandery of Knights Templar be established in their city. S. S. Carson lives at Chesaning and th United States district court assessed him $430 for cheating a poor widow out of hei pension. Albian college has an attendance of 52E this year- the largest in its history. Th annual comniencement is billed for Junt 25. Somebody has been counting the fruit trees in Shelby township, Oceana county and finds that the plum and peach trees number 142,507, nearly nine-tenths oi which are peaches. Romeo people will hold a local election ■with a view of bonding the town $5Í5,OOC worth for a good systein of waterworks. The Ashleys have begun work on the Mackinac división of their Toledo and Ann Arbor railway, the completion oi which will give them a line clear ao-oss the lower peninsula. The jury that reviewed the case of Wal;er Richards, the Huron county man who et a spring gun that gave John Osttle a atal dose of lead, expressed its confidence of Walter's innocence of any wrong intent, and set him free. Osttle evidently had ".o )usmesi8 on Richard's premises, which was an important point in the latter's favor. The agents of the law got a hump on ;hemselves in Ingham county and Frank Allen nas been con victed ot torgery. l hia s the somewhat fainous case in which xertrude Whitacre figured, and now she must stand trial also. Advents of the Seventh Day persuasión will hold an annual outing at Lansing by and by. The Flint woolen milis have just turned out a big pile of blankets for the local sanitarium, made from home-grown wool. Twenty Saginaw young men propose to charter a boat and sail for the World's ?air city, when the proper time comes, x see the big show. They will take the ir meals and sleep a board the boat, and ar now dropping a quarter apiece, each week, into the slot to def ray expenses. The plant of the Adrián Furniture company was destroyed bj1 fire on the 9th, and 150 hands are thrown out of employment. Loss, 160,000; i nsured for $39,000. The fac tory will probably be rebuilt. Rumored that Kirby, the Marshall bank defaulter, is also a forger, a spurious $500 note having turned up against Charles Hutchinson. Miss Harriet A. Deering goes to Germany for a year's study and will then return to take the Germán professorship at Hillsdale college. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, a Maple Valley couple, were each 30 years of age when they were married, and they've just celebrated their golden wedding and TOth birthday anniversaries. W. J. McKeeney, a Manistique man, gagea in a ueer nunung expearaon ana was assessed Í25 for shooting them at what the law states to be an improper season. Professor W. C. Durand has resgned the chair of mathematics held at the State Agricultural college, and has accepted a similar position at Purdue university, Lfayette, Ind. Pontiac is casting about for electric lights, and desiring the best glim to be had, has sent out an aldermanic committee on a tour of inspection. The Woman's Press association of the state held its annual meeting at Battle Creek last week, talked over various matters of interest, picnicked at Lake Gognac, and elected Mrs. Belle M. Perry, of Charlotte, president, and Miss Florence Brooks, of Jackson, secretary. W. F. Lingohr is a Monroe barber, 19 years of age, who's probably the youngest pensioner in the country. He didn't "fit" in the civil war, in fact wasn't bom for some years after Lee surrendered at Appomatox, but has done a heap of sailing in Uncle Sam's warships and survived mishaps enough to suggest the cat's nine lives. The last accident, a back mjury, knocked him out for hard work, and he's drawn a pension since he was 17. Muskegon's circuit judge was routed out of bed at 4 o'clock on a recent morning to receive the verdict of a jury that was anxious to get a littte sleep itself. A Montana Volf, owned by an Allegan Citizen, DroKe loóse ac niguo auu leasteu ao a neighbor's hen roost, whereupon the chicken man harvested the beast and now claims the $8 bounty ofEered by the state for the slaughter of wol ves. This year's gradnating classes of the state university foot up nearly 600 students, a much larger number than was ever turned loose at any previous cemmencement. Battle Creek is now having her flrst labor strike, the unkm school furniture niouklers having gone out. Mra. Brimley, a Cambridge pioneer, is dead, at the age of 100 years. She used to amuse herself walking to Jackson, 18 miles away, and back the next day. The United States court has decided that Three Bivers must pay Miïter Emery the $1,000 judgment he secured becauso that municipality used more water from mi5Pnd than the contract called for Dr. George E. Kanney, of Lansing, wa elected president, and Dr. Charles W. Hiteheock, of Detroit, secretary, of the State Medical society, at the annual meeting held at Saginaw the past week. No actioii was taken in the case of Dr. Bliss, the retiring president, other than to refer the charges against him to the judicial council of the society. The next meeting will be held at Flint. Two big wagon loads of people attended a Grand Ledge picnic in style, being hauled in from the country by a traction engine. The May freezes carne a long way from harvesting all the fruit, as a Berrwa county pomologist has been ofEered t6,000 for his pech and pear erop of '91, but he declined to sell t so low a figure. After six years of careful experimemU John Sterling, of Benton Harbor, has succeeded iu growing a thornless blackberry. Sterling vill now try bis" haud at growing a race of thornless -oses. Boyne City owners of hemlock foreste expect to ship 10,000 cords of tauuing material this seuson. Fred Banks, the Oxford gentleman who was private secretary to Admirar Portel at the close of the civil war, dropped dead on the streets of that ton a few das since of appoplexy.