
Chas. J. Depew is home íor a week. John Dunnihg, oí DnadlUa, was here Monday.l Eva Taylor is recreatlng witli her aunt at Three Oaks. Orrle Hoover, oí Detroit, was henMonday and Tuesday. A. N. Morton Bpent last Saturday fund Sunday at home. Mrs. J. C. Taylar returned frora her vlsit to Iosco, last week. JD. li. Taylor attended Alumni day at Aun Arbor, Wcdncsday. Mrs.J.W. Speer returned trom lSattle ('reek, the last oí last week. The rain last week was jusi in time uid of fjreal valué to farmers. George Taylor aml wlte visited relativea at Unadilla, last Sunday. Beatrice J5acon Is spending a. weel; or two witli aunt in l.iuisiug. Wheai is gettlng so large that much oi !t ï 1 1 lodge down before harrest. The midge is reported to be at work in sevorai pieees oí wneai in lum. Strawberries are pleinty and retail at 10 cents per quart in tliis market, The Umion meeting will be ;it the Congregational ehui'eh, next Sunday uigtit. i W1H Drake liad hu left airm brokon a week ago last Sunday by the kick of a tiorse. ! The glorioue Fourtli wtll be celebi'ated in the old-fashioned wiiy at Pinckney. Main gtreet has been graveled the whole lemgth of it, and parts of sevcnil other streetK. Th ehuckleberrj" gwamps in this vicinity look as if they would yield an average erop of terries. Cora Bowen. and Florence Baehma attended the coinmenceraent at the Normal school, Wednesday. The farmers are very bnsy novsr shearing sheep, cultivatlng corn, plovvitng suinmcr fnllow and haying. Arthur Condón was able to ride ont witn iielp, last Tuesday. He wlU be able to walk with the nid of crutches in ca ïew days. Wool 'has mot moved to any extent yet, 'here, though a few lots of good washed wool have been bought at 25 cents per pound. The markets are mostly nominal and unchanged sinec last week. Wheat brises $1 for white and 97 ets. for red; rye 75 ets.; oats, 40 ets.; beans, one lot mediums at $1.60 and one pea, at $1.80 were bought here last Saturday; efigs, 16 ets.; butter, 14 ets.; potatoes, 85 ets. I Married. - At the residenee of the bride'8 parents, near Ypsilanti, on the 24th instant, Mr. W. J. Knapp, of Chelsea, to Miss Luey Lowe. Misa Lowe was a succesfül teacher in tlie Chelsea schools the last two years amd is an excellent girl, held 5a the htghest esteem by all who know her Mr. Knapp ís to be congratulated apon his conquest and the hapiVy eouple have the well wishes of many Manda lor thiir future happiness.
Marriage Announcements
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles J. DePew
John Dunning
Eva Tylor
Orrie Hoover
A. N. Morton
Mrs. J. C. Taylor
D.B. Taylor
Mrs. J. W. Speer
George Taylor
Beatrice Bacon
Will Drake
Cora Bowen
Florence Bachman
Arthur Condon
Mrs. W. J. Knapp
W. J. Knapp
Lucy Lowe Knapp
Chelsea Michigan