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The Cook House One Dayonly

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No Money Eequired oí' Eeponslble Parties to Oommente Treatment. Formerly of New York, now the celebrated Examining Physieiane and Surgeons of the Fruth Meeical and Surgieal lnetitute, Chicago, 111.. by rr-.uest oí miuiy J-riends und Patients, havedecided to visit A fifi AHHVit THTJUSDAY, JULY 2nd, 189]. Consultation and Examination free and strictly confitíential in the prívate parlors of OF THE Fru+h. Medical and Surgica1 Instituto. Permanently established and incorpor'ated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of $ioo,ooo, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual c Viseases, Catarrh, Athum; Stomach, Kidney, Bladder Nervmis and Special Deseases qf M n and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a never failing uiethod. A home treatunent entircly taarmlessand easily applied. Consultation"free and strictly confldential. Dr Fruth afteryearsof experience has pertected the most infallible method of curing Vital drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, lmpaired Memory, Weak Back, Melaneholy, Want of Energy, Premature decline of i lic ManlyPowers, if consulled beforeidlocy.insanlty, f alllnff fits or total impoteney results. These terribfe disorders arise from rumous practicesof youth, blithinff the most rmlitint Ikijh-s, unUttintr patiënt for study, society, or Annually sweepinjf to an untimely -.nave thousands of young men ol briliant intelect and exalted talent. Piles Cured without "pain, knil'e or cautery, Marrlage. Married persons oryounjr men contemplatinif marriage, aware of physical weakness, loss of procreatiye powers, impotency, or any other disqualali&cation, apeedily restored, Epilepsy positively cured by our new and never failinK Hospital treatment. Kidney and Bladder Diseases Brlght's Dlsease. Dlabetei and öndredmala dus treated and cures efleoted In thousandaof case6 that had been pionounotd boyond hope. Private Diseases- lilood Polson, SypyilliH. Uonorrboefli (leef, Stricturo, HydrorHr, Veriooeele, Loas ii Serual Power and all digseases l ilie ginlto-urinary organs, Bpeedllj and i'frnn-nfn1 'r cured. No rik Inourred. ConsiiimtioTi free imi strlctly oonfldentlal. ,;n observatton io all pjirts o: tho Uiiited States. Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affeotlons oi the nc-c. throat, lunys and stomach, brouohltle, asthraa, oonKuuiption and dyspepBia, Buoce i. . treaied i.v Ui" most recent and soientiflc mdlhoüfi s :■ íi avasi hospital exIicrU'iH ■'■ luis proved worthy of confldence. W( desiro no bèttor prooi of öuccos thau the teetlmoniRis on öle at the instituto, ofthousandsol belpli - i i8e tbat we have restored. to health and hapvlness. Free Examination of the Urine. Kach pereon applying for medical treatment shouid send or l rintf an ounce of their urine, which wfll receive a careful chemical and microscópica! examination. WflWRflBPWT CflïPQ Perfccted in old casee which have boen nosrlected orunskillfully treated. WUilUtfttU WUftM No experiment r failuree, Partus trcau-d ty mail anü express, but where possible, personal coDSultation is preferred, Cuj abl cuí-'í g uaranteed. "Cases and correspondenee' confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any part of the U. S. List of 130 questionB f ree. Addrees with ptwtage. DK. D. O. FKÜTH, 89 Ea6t Madiaon Street, Chicago, 111, D. 0. FRUTH. Cflebrated Sureeon. A. C. FRUTH. Examining Phys cian.