Local Brevities

Court has adjourned until September 7. .':, Postmaster Beal"s salary has been fixed at $2,700. $ There were 123 graduates at the Normal school this year. Georgo Collins, the woodyard man, died sudden v lonl rvening. Tho U. of M. Daily wül lje priuted at Argus office ivxt year au this. Ths German workingmen of Manchestor celébrate the Fourth in their grove. The hardware stores close at eight o'clock, every evèning excepting Saturday. Plymouth deeided Monday to build water works at a cost not to exceed $30,000. Asa J. Dennison died In Manchester, June 17, of heart failure, aged sixtyone years. Two new barns are going up in Webster. They belong to Edgar Cranson and John Kenney. Rev. Henry Nancrede, of New York, filled the pulpit in St. Andrew'B church last Sunday. The Afro-Americans of this city celébrate August 3, Emancipation day, in Relief park. John Donahue, of Ypsilantl, uvas very seriously injured by being kicked by a horse, Monday. Gilbert Ketcheson, of Augusta, was icked lin the stomach by his horse, ast week, and 'seriously injured. , Herman Knapp was given thirty ays in jail by Justice Pond, Wednesay, for carrying concealed weapons. Thomas Kittleton was fined $5 and 5.95 costs by Justice Butts, Wedesday, ior drxmkenness. He paid. Ex-Supervisor Seeger ,of Saline, was vercome toy the heat and feil from his vagon while going home from Saline illage, last week. The fire department was called out) londay to put out a chimney fire in Louis J. Liesemer's house oo Twclfih nd Monroe streets. The teachers' institute for Waghenaw county will be held in Dexter, his year, commeneing July 20, and vill last three weeks. John Baumgardner ,of Ann Arlior. ïas put up in our cemetery a $300 momument for "William C. Rodeer thls week.- South I-yon I'icket. St. Pati-ick's church, Northi'ield, will elebrate the Fourth by a big picnic at Whitmore Lake. A large number of Ann Arbor people will attend. The Unitarian Sunday School of this ity will unite with the Toledo Uniarian Sunday School in a picnic to Whitmore lake on next Tuesday, June Oth The services next Sunday morning at the Unitarian church will be the ast until after vacation. The church! vill be closed as usual during .Tuly and August. The lease of Frank N. Barker, of Whitmore Lake, to the state military board, was signe 1 Monday. The ground eased consists of eighty acres and Mr. Barker receives $C00. The closing .exercises of the Saline school were held yesterday morning. The commencement exercises will be leid this evening, the graduating class ontisting of Miss Daisy Humphrcy and Elmer Bassett. Homer L. Ferguson, who has been in the gentlemen's furnishing goods busness on State street, made an assignment, Tuesday, James E. Sumner béng named as assignee. The liabilities s given by Mr. Ferguson amount to $1807.08. Mrs. ChriBtopher Eeimer, while walkiii; along t k railroad track, near Tpsilanti, Tuesday noon, was crimïnally assaulted and beaten into ineensibiüty by a burly negro. An arrest was made, but the negro 'was not identified. The graduating exercises of the senior class in the Manchester high school were held last evening. Miss Jennie E. Suley delivered the salulatory. The graduates were Miases Alta Dell Perry and Jennie E. Saley and George Andrew Servís. The excursión to Detroit on Saturday will leave Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock in the niorning and Detroit at 8 in thö evening. This vvill give all an opportunity to attend the exhibition of American Art, now being held in the Art Museum, and to do some ahopping as weli. Everyone ought to see the 100 paintings thcre, gathered from many large cities. About four o'clock, Tuesday morning, while in bed and asleep, Henry Werner was bitten on the left hand, between two fingers, by a spider. The wound soon became painful, and in a few hours his hand had become greatly swollea so much so that he could aiot use it. He applied to a druggist and obtained a remedy, and ■has so far recovered as to be able to resume work. The Washtenaw Evening Times Publishing Cotnpany was organteed Jast Monda.v. The öapital gtoek wás ulncd at $10,000. In 400 Khares of Mie par value of 2. èacb. The shares were taken as follows: Henry !'■ Glover, Ypsilanti, 160 Rharcs, Fred C. r.rovn,. 89 BhareR, Uur: C. Stillwell, St. Paul, Mimi., 1 Bhnrp. Orrin J. Kelly has liled a bilí In the circuit courv. a$ting for a dlvorce from nis wlfe, Carrie B. Kelly. o. the firouiui of u: ■ ■ ■.: vi on for ibore than t vo yeara. and oñ ti further ground. tha1 though, when married, she represented herself aa a single woman, she had been previously married, and her lirsi husband was neither dead nor divorail. T!io Aan Argus discontinúes u's Tuesday edition, bccnuae under the rnllnga ui the postal depaVtment a eeml-weekly is sluit out from the free mail delivery in the to.v:i ol its publication. It will continue as a weekly, as formerly. The Argus is one of our very best exchanges. Long may it prosper.- South Ly'on Ticket. It wasn't from the 'ree delivery we ■were simt out, hut w? were required to pay $1.04 postage a year on each paper. Mayor Doty extended the courtesy of the city to the. xxi. T. F. Baya.rd at the mayor's office, Tlmrsday afternoon. As many of our business men as could be reaehed in the bri?f time the honorable cx-secretary could spare were introduced to the distinguished statesman. Mr. Bayaxd'e pure democratie simjilicity, and affable easy address were very charmlng to those who were present. The mayor regrete the lack of previous Information as to Mr. Bayard's jilans while in the city prevented a more general and official rècogoltion on the part of the munieipality, of this foremost American patriot and statesman. Dwight Tate, of Bridgewator, died with startling guddenness, June l". He was an unmarried man, 34 years old and lived on the homestead, being b steady Industríeme yonnc; man.' He had not been sick, nor had he complained in the least, but waa supposed to be ín the best of health. He had been cultivating corn during the morninp;, and about ten o"clock, came to the Jiouse to pet a drink of water. After drinking ho started back, poing toward tho barn, whero the men were shearims sheep. Suddenly he feil to the ground and expired instantly. The cause of Mr. Tate's sudden death is not aettnltely known, but it is sxirmised that drinking the cold water, when warm, may have caused it The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from tho house and the remains interred
Ypsilanti State Normal School
Emancipation Day
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Louis J. Liesemer
Herman Knapp
George Collins
Edgar Cranson
Dwight Tate
Asa J. Dennison
John Kenney
Henry Nancrede
John Donahue
Gilbert Ketcheson
Thomas Kittleton
John Baumgardner
William C. Rodger
Daisy Humphrey
Elmer Bassett
Homer L. Ferguson
James E. Sumner
Jennie E. Suley
Alta Dell Perry
Jennie E. Saley
George Andrew Servis
Henry Werner
Henry P. Glover
Fred C. Brown
Horace C. Stillwell
Orrin J. Kelly
Carrie B. Kelly
Thomas F. Bayard