D .D. Phelps lost a horse last week. Willis now has a eooper shop nearly conipleted . F .D. Butts went to Ann Arbor last week. Allie Bennett, of Hand, was at Willis last week. Next Sunday will be' quarterly meeting at this place. Mrs. George Eussell is entertaining her sister from Detroit. Ben Williams has irnproved his house with a coat of paint. W. A. Heath has been granted a pension of $12 per month. Robert Rust and wife of Sumpter, visited at Willis, last Sunday. Ittrs. Addie Buttg is at Monroe visite ing her sister, Mrs. A. Bowen. R. F. Walters has been rather linden under the weather for some time but is better. Crops in this part of the county are looking Tine. Haying has begun and wheat is ncarly ripe. Miss Cora Bunton came home last week froni Cadillac, where she has been teaching for the past year. The M. E. choir, consisting of nine members, liave just purchased new Hinging books and meet every Saturtiay night ior practice. Harley Sherman has an eye on the main chance. He makes ice cream erery Saturday night to sell to the boys at 10c. per diBh. i