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Michigan (Tentrai, "The manara Fallí Route." '1MB TABLK (RKVISED) JUNE, 28, 1801. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EASTWARD. iS'th I statiosb Mail Dy Shre N Y Ni't AU. Kal Exp Lim Exp El. Exp Acc. I A. M A. M. P. M. PM. P. M.ip.M. A. M. 'taieago.Lv. ] 7 U5 9 co Vi.' 3 1'' 9 28 uno 4 56 íacfcson 'i 55 4 25 i:.1 8 47 4 v filó s so Jhelsea ; ílJ 5 30 7 K o 42 íejter 4 14) 5 45 7 5 6 55 Delhi Mills... 4MU 738 iNN ASBOS.. 4 42 5 25 6 22 V U 6 ( 7 45 10 19 ípsilHDtl.... 5(8 S1O... . 9 56 6 2} 8 0i 10 32 tfayne June 5 27 647 8 36 1050 p. . -. m. i-. M. p. mJa.m.Ia-m. Detroit, Ar . 6 lí 45 7 20 10 45 7 SOI 8 20 11 25 A. M. A.M. A.M.Ip. M. P. M. P.M. Bnffftlo Sif 4 00 7 3 U 6 0i ■-■- WBSTWARD. Chi. N'th btations. Dttr Chi. Liru EvuJSlirc Par. Mail Exp Kip Exp txp.lLim Kx. Acc. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M P.M. A.M. Buffalo, 12 IV 6 30 9 45 3 40 12 50 (i 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P,M. P.M. Detroit, Lt... 8 20 7 16 1 23 7 45 9 25 9 15 4 45 WayneJunc 00 8 2S .. . 9 54 6 19 YpBilanti 25 8 10 2 05 8 47 10 15 5 40 AH1TAEB0S.. 9 35 S 39 2 19 9 18:ll 1 10 3U 6 52 Delhi Mills.. ÍI4Ó ..... 9 13 Dexter 9S6 ... 9 '15 6 07 Obelna. lul( B 9 6 18 Jackson 1100 925 3 i4 10 25 11 lf. 11 45 6 55 P.M. P,.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. Chicago. Ar. 7 s 8 55 DO 6 50 4 50 8 05 1115 tDally. Sunday exceptcl. ü. W. RÜGGLES, H. W. HAVES, G. P. &T. A. Ag't Ann Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. TlmeTable goine int effect, Monday, June 15. I INC NORTH. Throuf b V. ; 7 40 a. m. ( huc Aooommod&tlOD 11 ítO a. m. Mt. Pleaaant Express óüóp. m. c.oiNO sorra. Clare Aceoniinodation 11 ;t0 a. ni. Thruupli Mail 20p. m. rhrmiKh Accommoilation 7 13 a. m. AUTralnS Daily exeept Sunday. W. H. BENNETl', R. S. GKEENWOOD, Gen. Pass Agent. Local Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti 0 Street Railway. Time table taking effect June 18, 1891. T.eave .4)ui Aihnr from Cntrl Hou at 6.20, 7.60.920. l0.5i) 8 m., and 12. tO, 2.20, :i 50, 5.20. (60,8.20,9.5 . 11.20 p. m. I.oavc Fpíilantl i 00, 10.30, a. m., and 12.80, '■ K 3.80,5.0 , 6 , 8.00,9.90, U.OOp, m. DNDAT TIME TAHLi:. Leare Ann drbortiova Court Boute al H.íiO a. in., and 2.BU, 8.60, 6 :; ', 8.60, 8.80, 9.50, p. 111. Leave YpriUmti at S. 10, a. m., and 2.00, 3.30, 5 00, 6.: . 8.00, 9.30, p. m. Take Notice.- Sunday train at 8.10 .1. m., leaves rpallantl, corner Cross and Adama Streets. Cars nm un (t}i Time. Coupon tickets, 10 cents. For sale by conductora. AGENTS 1 ENTIRELY WANTED I 8f I NEW BOOK The most wonderful rollection of pmctical, real valué and eveiy-day use for the peopie ever published on the globe. A marvel of money-eavinfr and money-eirning for every oneowninjr it. Thousandpof beautiful, helpful engravmg's, showm just how to doeverything. No competitioo; nothing like it in the universe, When you select that which 16 of true valué, sales are sure. AH eincerely desirlng payingr employment and lookiug forsomething thoroujíhly flrst-claeB at an extraordinary low price, should wrire for description and terms on the most lemarkanle achieveraent iu booktnakitiK since tlic world began. 8CAMMELL & CO.. Box bOai ST. LODISor PHILADELPHIA. -