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Arthur Delaforce has returned Irom Chicago . Burglars gave Milán a cali last week, helping tnemselves to about $80 worth of goods at Thompson's clothing store. Mtb. H. Hack gave a tea, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Goodrich and son, of Ann Arbor, are the gests of Attorney G. R. Williams and family. C. M. Pulier visitcd Detroit and Clinton, tuis week. Cherrtee are plenty in Hiis viclnlty. Miss'Susine Hooker, of Bur Oak, is the guest of hor sister, Mrs. F. TrUBSel. Mr. andMrs. Ed. Henkley visited Detroit, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Nina Hack attended the Salino commencement, Friday. The Baptist tea social was held at Mrs. W. H. Whaley's, Wodncsday. A. W. Reynolds is quite ill ironfrheumatism. i Dr. Mesic and family are visiting friends at Memphis, lor a few öays. On the Fourth of July, the Milan races and a ball game will be the attractions. A merry-jfco-round has struck Milart and both old and young seem to enjoy Miss Allie Harpcr, of Cadillac, is visitng Milan for the summer vacation. J. C. Rouse visited Ann Arbor, Friay and Saturday. Rev. J. Huntington leaves for Deroit. Mohday, where he will visit nis on for a few days. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne started or church when the horae took faht from a pl"ece of paper. The orse jumped a ditch, overturning he cari'iage, throwing the occupants ut and injuring them quite Beverely rat not dangerously. Miss Grace Huntington leavos foü hicago, Tuesday, where she will visit elatives for a few weeks.