Prof. Hall was in town tliis week. A mud turtle boy was exhibited here last Tuesday night. George Blaich has had tli:1 front of his store paintd white. Union meeting will be at the Baptist church next Sunday night. The brick work will soon be completed on the new school house. Zach. Spencer, of Fowlerville, was here eeveral days the last of last week. William Emmert got an appointment eis mail agent last Monday. Dr. G. A. Robertson, of Battle Creek, will spend the Fourth with relatives here. A large amount of very Jine hay has been made about here this week by the farmers . James Spencer of Barry county, was here Saturday, looking after his father's estáte. W. E. Depew, of Alpena, was here on business, last Saturday, and spent Sunday among relativos. Some wlll begin cutting wheat the last ot this week and that wlll be the order generally nexc week. Miss Stebbins, of Aun Arbor. was at the Good Templare' lodge, Tnesday night, and an effort is being made to organizo a class in elocution. Mr. Boyd has moved into the Bagge property, which he bought, and Smith & Stevens moved into the Staffan store recently occupied by Mr. Boyd. Balance shipmenta have been made at the company's elevator and no wlieat will be taken in for some time. Three thousand,# two hundred and eight loads were taken in since one year ago. Orrie 'Hoover has bought the Standard office and moved it into the basement of the Wilkinson building. Orrie is a practical printer and used to newspaper work and wili no doubt uiake the Standard a success. There has been no grain brought here the past week and priees are nominally about the same as one week ago. Wool is moving very slowly at 20 to 25 cents per pound, mostly at about 23 cents for fairly washed wool. Many are bolding ior 25 cents and there will be much wool in farmers' hands after harvest unless priees advance.