Local Brevities
Peter Duress has removed to this ity from ïpeHanti, The Keystone Club celebrates the Fourth at Zukey lake. Jacob Bishop is assistant operator f the Western Union in this city. One Chelsea firm has pald out $35,00 ior beaus during the past year. An open car, to carry seventy pas'agers, has been ordered for the motor ne. The Delta Tau Delta fraternity will occupy the Winchell homestead next ea)r. ' Prof. F .G. Novy has purchased the residence of Mac LeBeau, on North street. Noah W. Holt, ol Manchester, was ranted a patent Tuesday, on a belt river. The Delta Gamma young ladies' soiety wil] occupy a. house near Hamilon park next year. The Ann Arbor street railway comany will put in a new engine with om 3 50 to 200 horse power. James A. Robison, formerly of this ity, now court reporter for the Free Press, (has been admitted to the bar. Mrs. M. T. Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, as been appointed to a clerkshlp in ae adjutant general's office in Lanng. i The new motor on the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti road is larger and etronge han the old one and makes much less moke and steam. Dr. Mark Rockwell, '91, has been ppointed to a position in the inane asylum at Traverse City, at a alary of $1,200. Thomas Kearney anrd John Coyle, of Whitmore lake, both lost several tieep, last week, which were worried o death by dogs. Major Brown was sentenced, Wednesay, to pay $10 fine and $5.15 costs or being draak. He paid and che ounty was $10 better off. The county bastile is in the hands f the painters- not through insurection, but by contract - and is béng re-painted inside and out. A unión temperance meeting will be eld in the Congregational church, unday evening, to be addressed by lev. A. S. Carman and Rev. Dr. Kust. The Chelsea Standard has oeen sold y William Emmert, who started it wenty-seven months ago, to Owin T. ioover, not unknown to Chelsea jonralism. ! Miss Ida F. Hopkins has been engaged as preceptress of the Chelsea school and Miss Florence Bachman will have charge of the grammar deartment. The Benton Haxbor Improvement ompamy bas issued an elegant pamphlet advertising the many advantages of that city in a most effective way. We have received a copy. Frederick Schaeberle, a íormer resdent of this city ,iv meeting -with great uccess, as professor of instrumental music in the Linden Hall Moravian Young Ladies' Seminary in Pennsylvania . Old Company A, on Monday evening, lected J. F. Sehuh, captain; Frank Campion, first lieutenant; George Wernor, second lieutenant. Louis Liesimer was elected a member of the board of directora. Contractors and buüders wil! iind in inother column a cali for sealed proposals for buil"dinï an addition to the aw building, an addition to the presidemt's house and an addition to the Engineering building. Laverene Bassett, for the past two years in the law office of A. J. Sawyer, has accepted a desirable position in the office of Conely, Maybury & LuelfIng, of Detroit, and has gone to Detroit. H,e -will yet be heard from in the legal profession. City Clerk Miller is an early bird. He went tp M. and P. Duffy's, near Whitmore Lake, Tuesday Viorning;, put in a pump and was back in the city at 7:45 a. m. On Wednesday morning he drove to Salem, twelve miles, put ín a pump and was back in the city at 8:15 a. nr. "Is the law against selling tobáceo, cigars and cigarettes to boys observed here?" asks the Manchester Enterprise. No, dear Enterprise, nor anywhere else, That was one of the lawe intended to accomplish a deeirable rcsult made only to b'e generally violated and by many otherwise law-abiding citizens. ; Wlfllam Kersey. of Ypsilanti, was brought to the county jail, Monday, by Deputy-Sheriff Buck, on the charge of stealing a gold watch valued at $150, from Col. Patrick Burk, of Chicago, who spends his summers in Tpsilanti. The watch was recovered. Kersey has been bound over to the circuit court for trial . A telephone has been put in Rev. Fr. Kelly's residence, on North Street. Aid. A. P. Ferguson lost his valuable black pacor, for whicH he liad reínsed $700, Tuésday night. It was cast in tho stable and brokc its nwk. WUUam Btu-stiue, a wretch who attempted to entice some little girls to go into a barn with him, is in jail. It is lioped he m.iy mïet hls just deeerts. George B. Schwab has just completed uil plans and specifications for the Blackstone block, to erected by Messrs. Lawrence and Maynard on the córner of Fourth avenue an 1 Ann tree't. Col. Suckett, assistant quartermaster general, was in the city yesterday and closed contracta íor furnishing eatables at the etate encampment at Whitmore lake. Brown & Cady -wlll urnish the groceries and Weinmaun and Hoelzle will furnish the meat. The vegetables and mük will 41so be urnished by Ann Arbor partios. Rev.W.O.Waters and family left this ity for their new home in Detroit on Tuesday morning. Although.but a hort year in this community they have endeared themselves to the hearts of who knew them. Mingled with regret at parting is the hope that Mr. "Waters' new field of labor, St. Andrew's church, Detroit, may prove ich in prosperity and háppiness. Among the visitors at the Argus office, Wednesday, was David W. Palmer, of Bridgewater. Mr. Palmer was ighty-four years o'.d last month. Tues day he ran a mower all day and on Wednesday ihe drove himself to the city on probate business. It will be seen that Mr. Palmer is very hale and hearty yet. It is needless to say that he has always been a staunch democrat and a reader of the Argus for ifty years. Harry P. Stearns, son of the democratie candidate for congress two years ago, who graduated in tlie University n 1890, canae within one vote of being elected school commlasioner of Lenawee county, last week, and was elected one of the examiners. The school commissioner elect is C.F.Fields, of the ïecumseh News, a oousin of Airs. W. G. Doty, a gradúate of the niversity and a thoroughly competent man. The salary is üxed at $1,200, or $300 less than in this county . On invitation of Wolverine tent, K. O. T. M., of Ypsilanti, a delegation of thirty members of Arbor tent, )i this cily, went down by motor line,, on Wednesday evening, to assist in tl. e nitiation of over a dozen eandirtatea The hall of Wolverine tent was crowded with Maccabees, and the ceremonies ncident to the occasion were performed with great eclat, the initiatory portions being done by the Ann, Arbor Knights.' After the tent work an elegant lunch was spread in the refreshment room, during the enjoyruent of which the band of Wolverine tent furnished excellent music. The Ann Arbor Knights returned on the 11' o'clock tiain, delighted with their T'aternal visit. It is interesting to note the growth af the manufacturing Interest Uiroughout our own state. Our attention was brought forcibly to tbis to-lay, by receiving froaa the LanKiiiir fron fc Engine Works, of Lansing, Uien., in adverttóement calling attentioji to their celebrated traction enüinc and other machinery they manufacture. A little less tlian eight years ago this firm started business in two small buildings, and through careful and prudent management, tliey have steadily increasing their plant until to-day' they stand at the head of all similar institutions in the state, theii" buildings covering an area of over 13 acres oí ground, and employing 150 men with a pay roll of $7,000 a month. Abuot two years ago they began the manufacturing of the now famous double-acting force and spray pumps, and their success in this branch of the tusiness has been phenomenal, having manufactured and sold up to the present time, over 9,000 pumps, aflid are nearly 2,000 behind on their orders. A number of the spray pumps have been sold in this vicinity to the farmers desiring to spray their fruit trees and schrubbery. "Observer," in the Ypsilanti Sentinel, ín speaking of William Wagner, 8aI know of no business man who has been longer in business in Ann Arbor than Wm. Wagner. He came to this city over fifty years ago and opened a tailor shop, and afterwards a clothing store in the same block in which he is at present located. By strict attention to business and fair dealing witbl hia fellow men, he has grown wealthy. He can look back upon nis business career with pleasure and pride. He (has been a model business man. He spent hia time during the day ín his store and his evenings with his family) at home. ne always knew where to find Wm. Wagner. He never dabbled in politics, kept his own counsel, attended etrictly to business, and never meddled with anything ioreign to it. He was always civil and obliging as well as decisive and prompt with his customers. To the young men of Ana Arbor his successful career will prove one thing beyond a doubt, and that is, that Labor and Pluck are the invincible heroes who conquer success The glorious galaxy of successiul business men and illustrious authors have all been hard workers."
Zukey Lake
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
Lansing Iron & Engine Works
Ann Arbor Street Railway
The Chelsea Standard
Company A
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Dr. Frederick G. Novy
Peter Duress
Jacob Bishop
Mac LeBeau
Noah W. Holt
James A. Robison
Mrs. M. T. Woodruff
Mark Rockwell
Thomas Kearney
John Coyle
A. S. Carman
William Emmert
Orrin T. Hoover
Ida F. Hopkins
Florence Bachman
J. Frederick Schaeberle
J. F. Schuh
George Werner
Louis Liesimer
Laverene Bassett
A. J. Sawyer
William Kersey
Patrick Burk
A. P. Ferguson
William Burstine
George B. Schwab
W. O. Walters
David W. Palmer
Harry P. Stearns
C. F. Fields
Mrs. W. G. Doty
William Wagner