Oscar Schmid has returned to Joliet, 111. Mrs. Charles Myers is visiting Adrián íriends . i Mrs. C W. Wagnetr is in 'Wequetonslng. ' Louis Schleede is visiting relatives in! Toledo. Charles E. Spencer is visiting in Salem, 111. D. McDonald is visiting friends in Corunna. Miss Amanda Reyer is visiting in Milwaukee. Miss Flora Storms is visiting her sister in Chicago. Patrick Scully is" spending the vaea- tion in Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hennequin are visiting in the city. Dr. Tyler, of Niles, visited friends Jiere over Sunday. Cliarles "Wells, Esq., of Bay City, was in town, Tuesday. Prof. A .L. Lange, of Berkely, Cal., is visiting ín the city. Henry Matthews visited his daughter in Lansing, this week. Mrs Sïïèley, of Detroit, is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Philip Bach. Aid. William Herz was in Terre Haute, Ind., last week. Mrs. and Miss Garrigues are the guests of Mrs. J. K. Miner. Miss Irene Hughes, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting the Misses Duffy . Miss Ida B. Oesterlin spent Tuesday and "Wednesday in Tpsilantl. Charles Crossman ,of Brooklyn, N4 T.j spends the Fourth in this city. Hon. Charles R. Whitman and family leave to-day for Charlevoii. Dr. Charles Gatchell ís spending his summer vacation in "Wlsconsin. Mrs. Frank Blanchard returned to her home In New York City, Tuesday. Mrs. E .K. Fisher is visiting her son, David Fisher, in Marionette, "Wis. Prof. A. A. Stanley and iamily are spending the summer in Rhode Island. Mail-carrier Blum is spending a short Tacation on Middle Bass island. Mrs. Bently is spending two weeks at her father's, Mr. John Ferdon's. Miss Florence E. Cole, of Chelsea, has been visiting ín the city the past week. Miss Helen Wiltsie, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mra. P. R. Se Pont. Prof. Eugene Lohr, of the South Benrl high school, is home for the v.ication. Miss Gertrude P 'nny has returned h-om Saginaw school for the vacation. . Mrs. William Steere, of Ionla, has liiin visiting her son, Prof. J. B. Steere. Mrs. Taft, of Buffalo, N. Y., has been visiting Mrs. V'. H. Dorrance, this week. Prof. Stanley is nttending the State Musie Teachers' fiHsociation in Grand Rapids. Prof. C. N. Gayley, of the üniversity of California, has been in the city this week. Frank Sessions, of Grand Rapids, has been visiting his uncle, J. Q. A. Sessions. Mrs. Martin, of Jackson, has returned home from a short visit with Ann Arbor friends. Mrs. Henion, of Bay City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alabaster on Packard street. I'rof. and Mrs. George W. Knight, of Columbus, have been spending the week at Prof. Pettee's. J. C. Knowlton and J. F. Ijawrence have returned from camp at Strawberry lake, with some big ïish sföries. John Matthews, of Ypsilanti, commander of Wolverine tent, visited in Ann Arbor, last Saturday evening. Mrs. Charles H. Manly, of Grand Eapids, visited Mrs. W. G. Doty, over Sunday. Judge Babbitt has been ia Iron Mountain, where he is interested in water works. Miss Mabel Corson left Monday ior her home in Petoskey. to spend the summer. President James B .Angell spends the Slimmer in Europe. He has already gotui East. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oesterlin celebrated stlver wedding Sunday, at Whitmore lake. Misses Lizzie and Juliet Sessions, of Colurabus, Ohio, are vialting their linde, J. Q. A. Sessions. Myron H. French and family, who have been visiting Mrs. J. J. Ellis, returned to .West Branch this week. Senator and Mrs. Martin Crocker, of Mt. Clemens, visited their sister, Mrs. John W. Bennett, during the week. Dr. J. C. Wood, who has been in Atlantic City ior the past three weeks attending the International Homeopathie Medical association, returned home Wednesday. Prof. B .M. Thompson and Hon A. J. Sawjrer argued a case before the Supreme court, the first of the week. . Prof. and Mrs. George S. Knight, of ithe Ohio State University, are visitng at his father's, J. W. Knight's Mrs. Agnes Lewis Kimball, of San Louis Obispo, Cal., who has been visiting tier father, E. B. Lewis, has returned home . Mrs. James Clements is expected home from Leavenworth, Kansas, next week, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wheat. Richard Kearns, chief clerk in the state land office in Lansing, who has been visiting his iather, returned to Lansing, Friday. C. B. Warner, who graduated 'n the literary department last week, has gone to Sault Ste. Marie. Next -week hu assumes the night editorship of the Petoskey Daily Reporter. Bishop Gillespie stopped in the city few hours on Thursday, while on his way to Ypsilanti to attend the funeral of his old-time friend, Judge inde, which took place at three o'ock in the afternoon and was largely attended.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Myron H. French
Mrs. James Clements
Ida Clements Wheat
Flora Storms
Alfred Louis Hennequin
Oscar Schmid
Mrs. Charles Myers
Mrs. C. W. Wagner
Louis Schleede
Charles E. Spencer
Amanda Reyer
Patrick Scully
Alfred Hennequin
Charles Wells
A. L. Lange
Henry Matthews
Mrs. Philip Bach
William Herz
Mrs. J. R. Miner
Irene Hughes
Ida B. Oesterlin
Charles Crossman
Charles R. Whitman
Charles Gatchell
Mrs. Frank Blanchard
Mrs. E. K. Fisher
A. A. Stanley
Florence E. Cole
Helen Wiltsie
Eugene Lohr
Gertrude Penny
Mrs. William Steere
J. B. Steere
Mrs. W. H. Dorrance
C. N. Gayley
Frank Sessions
J. Q. A. Sessions
George W. Knight
J. C. Knowlton
J. F. Lawrence
Mrs. Charles H. Manly
Mrs. W. G. Doty
John Matthews
Mabel Corson
Eugene Oesterlin
Lizzie Sessions