Still Continues
IN A MORE QUIKT WAT THE BARGAIN SALE o THE W AGNER STOCK .WILL STILL GO ON AT THE STAR CLOTíHtíG FÍOUSE WE CAN NOW GIVE OÜR CÜSTOMERS MOEE CAREFÜL ATTENTION. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A SUMMER PICNIC. We closed f rom Cluett, Coon & Co., our shirt manufacturers, a line of Unlaundried Shirts, No. D 51, all sizes 13L to 18, which we formerly sold for $1.00, but now sell at 69 cents. Leading Clothier and Hatter. 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET.
Noble's Star Clothing House
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
A. L. Noble
35 S Main St