THE SONG OF THE "No. 9. My dress is of fine polished oak. As ïich as the finest fur cloak, And for handsome design Tou just should see mine- No. 9, No. 9. I'm beloved by the poor and the rich, For both I impartially stitch ; In the cabiu I shine. In the mansion I'm fine - Xo. 9, No. 9. I never get surly nor tired, Witb zeal I always am fireil; To hard uork I incline, For rest I ne'er piue- No. o, Na. 9. I am easily purchased by all, Witb instalmeuts that monthly do f all; And when I am thine, Then life is benign- No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I went, Upon getting the Grand Prize intent; I lef t all behind, The Grand Prize was mine- No. 9, No. 9. At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris, France, the best SGWlng machines of the world, ineluding those of America, were in competition. rhey were passed upon by a jury -composed of the best foreign mechanicaf experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturera of France. Thïs jury, after exhaustive exaraiualion and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize offered - the BRAND PRIZE- giving other companics only gold, i'ver and bronze medals. '[",' "rench government, as a further recosnlti'ii of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wh&eler, president of the company, with the Cn ol the Legión of Honor- the most prized honor of France. The No. 9, for family use, and the No, 12, for manufacturing uses, are the best in the world today. And now, when you want a sewing machine, if you do not get tbc' best t wil! be your own fuuH. Aju your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 NVheeler A: Wilson machine. If he doesn't keep :hem, write to ue for deaeripüve catalogue ana terms. Agents wnnied in all unocciijiied turri.ory. WI1SEL2:: i: WILSON MFG. CO. Chicago, 111 FCR SALS BY Michael Staebler, Ann Arbor, Micli. "ni " i FDEC flLVUll NLWBP JdSgfECfjlfcDc] vtluable llneof liouaeholcl Wb?SF5ttniple. Thene mmpkB, a w]l """"7iUle wtrh, te free. All the woik jtou o.l do i to itiow oklt wc end you to thole who cll- yoor lnnd till ncifrbhon nd thoe about you- tl)tlw)rl tc-iull m vkluablB trde foru, whicb holdi for yeirs when once ■tarted, nd thui we re repñjd. We pay all expresi, freifht, etc. Afler you know all, if you would Uke to go to work for us. yon can Va, ii trum SïO to prr wk and upward..--A, tilin.uu ac C.. Boi 81 . iortland. Manie.