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Visiting Wheelmen. The Grand Eapids wheelmen visi.t this city next Tuesday, July 14, and will be entertained by the "Wolverine Cycle Club. The following programme has been arranged for the day: Wolverines f all in line at 9 a. m.. sharp, at the club rooms, to meet the tourists atWhitmore Lake. 1:00 to 1:30 at the club rooms visitors register. 1:30, parade to points of interest. 4:00 p. in., 10 mile race, starting on the corner of Main and Liberty streets. lst p'rize, gold medal; 2d prize, gold medal; 3d prize, gold L. A. W. pin. Entries close at 3:45 p. m. 5:30 p. m.. hill climbing contestón Broadway hill. lst prize, gold medal; 2d prize, gold medal; 3d prize, gold L. A. W. pin. Entries close at 5:15 p. m. Around the boulevard to the club rooms. Riders dismiss. 8:30, evening entertainment at A. O. U. W. hall. Speeches, and music by the Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar Club. Entrance fee for races, 50 ets.