Schairer & Millen
GREAT MARK-DOWN CLG?NG OUT SALE OF SPRING AND SUMMER QOODS, Regardless of cost or valué. A bold move for a four weeks' trade, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY MORNING, JÜLY llth. at 8 o'clock. Before we ring down our curtain on this Great Sale we are determined to have sold Ten Thousand Dollars wortb of Fiiif Dry Gooda. THRZE SPECIAL ITEMS. 50 PIECES FRUIT OF THE LOOM COTTON at 8c a yd. SHIRTING PRINTS, BEST QUALITY, at 3 l-2c " LONSDALE CAMBRIC, BEST QUALI TY, at 10c . " 2OO PAIRS FINE CURTAINS, Purchased from an Importer at 50c on the dollar to close the lot. We bought tbem at Half Price and will give yon a benefit. You can buy $3.00 and $3.50 Fancy Musün Curtains for $1.49 ;l PairYou can buy $2.00 and $2.50 (ioin Spot and Paacy Muslin Cmtains for 99c a 'pair. You can buy Fancy Curtains with Silk Strip.' Dado worth $5.00 and $(.00 for $3.00 ii pairBig lot Nottingham Lace Curtains at 59c ll pair. 15 pieces Coin Dot Curtain Scrim, 40 in, wide, at 5c a ''■ 35 pairs Elegant Chenille Curtains at $5.50, S6.00 and f7.00 a pair. EVERY MORNING OF THIS SALE TUK PERST TWENTY l'ÜKCHASERS OF $3.00 OE OVER WILL JRECEIVE ONE PAIR FINE UNEN TOWBL8. Leaders of I.ow Irices and Always tlic Clieapest.
Schairer & Millen
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus