Local Brevities
Dr. John Kapp will be the new health officer. , E. B. Hall has sold his residence to Librarian Davis. The council proceedings are rat hef lengthy this week. The treasurer's report Monday night showed $8,297.83 on hand. Prosecuting Attorney Lehman is repairing the Crossman homestead which he has purshased. The infant daughter of Charles W. Vogel died of the measles this week, ttged eight months. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Imus, jr., died on Tuesday, of consumption of the bowels. James Taylor, colored, was caughti peeping ïn Windows after dark and ís serving thirty dayd in jail. Dr. J. A. Wessenger, of Howell, is arranging to remove to this city about August lst, to practico his profession. The name of the Allmendinger Piano and Organ company has been changed to the Ann Arbor. Organ company. E. A. Batwell, sdn ot Dr. Batwvll, of Ypsilanti, has been awarded the plans for a goverament building in Alaska. The alumni of the Saline high school now numbers 71. The total number graduated was 76 and there have been 5 deaths. "Washtenaw county paid $809.94 for the care of twenty-four patients at the Pontiac asylum fox the past three months. Many new street crossings have been put down in various parta of the third ward, giving much satisfaction to those interested. The poor expenses for June were $55.07, of which $17.80 was for wood and $38.27 was for groceries. Twentyone families were aided. _ . , There were ■forty-eig'ht pupils of tlie Manchester scJiool who were neither absent nor tardy duving the year just closed, a proulï record. Dr. F. W. Brewer, recently an aseistant to Dr. Vaugïian, has boen appointed to tihe chair of Bacteriology n the University of Xebraska. EaLsin River Lodge, I. O. O. F., has elected the following officers: N. G., W. Kimble; V. G.,J. J. Briegel; Treas., M. Carpemter; Sec'y, John Roller. Who was the first man in the county to begin harvesting wheat this year? Jacob Knapp, of Frcedom, began cu'tting wheat Jutae 30. Can any one beat t!his?_ The amount of taxes to be raised in ïpsilanti for city pitf-poses 'this year has been fixed by the council at $31,150, of which $17,400 was to pay interest and bonds. F. W. Guiteau, of the law class of '91, died of measles in Dhis city last Friday. He came from Hillsdale and had been married only a few months. He was twenty-nine years old. Company A has secured the services of Jeff. Davis, of this city, as "chef de cuisine" during he state encampment at Whitmore lake, and both they and Jeff. are therefore prospectively happy. The lighting bill of the court house :or June, ttois year, waá'$6.75 and tor June last year, it was1 $34.75. Supervisor Kearney, who made the change to electric lighting is not displeased with the result. The Marshal reported seven arrests during June, of which two were charged with breach of the peace, hree with drunkenness, one for carrying concealed weapons and one for assault with intent to do great bodily aarm. C. E. Green, of North Main street, has moved his old frame house to a new foundation, and is renovating it thoroughly. It will be a1 great improvement to his property. He should next remove the old Knapp and substitute a new building. A light Borrel mare, six years old, with a small star om forehead, weighing 950 pounds, and 14 1-2 hands high, w-as stolen from the barn of B. G. Morman, of Ypsilanti, last Sunday night. A reward oí $100 has been offered for the property and thief. Edgar L. Munyon, laite of the Register office, and a first-class compositor, especially on taiblè and book work, removed with his family to Detroit, Wednesday, where Mrs. Munyon wil) conduct a millinaa-y establishment, as She did tn this city for several years. The latest copartnersbip to be forméd in this city is Cramer & Cramer. The junior member of tha .' rai is Seward Corner, who graduated in the law class of '91. He is a bright young man, who has made quite a tion ae a newspaper correspondent. He if also a gradúate of the literary department and hls knowledge oí engineering will dQutFbleSS prove of groat valué to liim In the practlce of law iu real estáte cases. Jírs. Mary H. Harris, wiíe of John Harris, jr., of Detroit, ano daugrter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Hewitt, oi this city, died i.i Dct. oit last Saturday Mr. Harris inay wrll feel assured of the deep sympathy of bis many warm friends In this city, and of none more sincerely than that of the ArgTia. A Detroit correspondent writes: "Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes. A trip to Maek'.nac Island only coste about $13.00 from Detroit, or $18.00' from Cleveland, for the round trip, including meáis and berths, via the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Co." Thos. Conway, a 'tramp, is doing time In the Detroit House öf Correctíon. He threatened Stoup, the foreman at CarnweM's pulp mili, with a kniifo becauae he would not give him! ■wfoat he wanted and attempted to collect toll from tlie pamers liy on t.he road. Stoup telephoned for an oíficer and Conway was cauglit. The congrega tion of the A. M. E. cihurch aue about to erect a new place of worífliip on the site of the oíd structure on Norfch Fourtlí avenue. It will be a brick 40 by 00 feet, and tihe old church will probably be remadeled into a parsonags. ■vnd be located at tftie rean end o E the church property. The work has tiready teen cammenced. The Ann Arbor Turn Verein have elected the flloowing oíficers: President, George Kuebler; vice-president, ïlbert M. Sarg; turnwart, F. Wcissj as-istant, H. Weitbrecht; recorling sec retary, K. Dietas; corresponding secretary, W. Arnold; treasurer, G. Gwinner; caahier, F. Biermann; steward, C. Braun; color bearer, F. Fisher; trustees of Relief Park, M. Fischer and C. Schneider. A banquet was served and speeches made advocating the re-establishment of a gymnastie schaoJ jy the verein. The íire department received their new hook and ladder truck, Tuesday. It is a ■bdauty and weighs a thousand polunda less than the old truck. The wheelá are nearer together so that t pulls mueh easier. The ladders are extensión ladders, i lic lai'gest being easily raised and bein(g long enoivgh to reatíh tlie belfry of the engine houss. Among ofcher ladders is one little one for going up from stqry to story. The truhe has two ch '.micate, buckets, lanterns, axes and all the modern appliances. lts cost was $1,000.
Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company
Ann Arbor Organ Company
The Turn Verein Society
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mary Hewitt Harris
Jasper Imus Jr
Frank W. Guiteau
Edgar L. Munyon
Dr. John Kapp
E. B. Hall
James Taylor
J. A. Wessenger
E. A. Batwell
F. W. Brewer
John Knapp
C. E. Greene
Thomas L. Hewitt
George Kuebler
Albert M. Sorg