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Miss Minnie Drake is in Alma. Mrs. B. F. Watts is visiting in FHnt. Joseph Seabolt Is visiting in Maarshall. 1 William Noble is visiting in Albion, N. Y. Prof. J. G. Pattehigill te at the seafjhore. J. W. Shaw has returned irom Itliaca. Ex-Governor Felch was in Howell, Tuesday . Calvin Bliss is visiting his birthplace in New "ïork. Miss Kittie Moe visited Detroit the first of the weck. Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Rolle are at Mackinac IslandAid. Ferguson returned Tuesday evening from Alpena. Dr. Vanglian expects to spend tho siimmei in Euroipe. Mr. and Mrs. Earl "Ware spent the Fourtli in Howell. Misses Cora and Kitttie Hatch are Visiting in Jackson. Hon. A. J. Sawyetr and famlly are at Cavanaugh lake. Mrs. J. M. Stafford ft visiting relar tives in Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. RoHsrt Campbell went to Chaa'levoix.'this week. Miss Josie Hei-y is spending tlia tnomtih at WMtmore lake. William Wigand ,of Ionia, visited friends lier-e last Saturday. Prof. and Mrs. A. C, McLachlan hava returned from Gratiot Beach. Miss Julia Gibney, of Howell, la visiting at Eugene Gibney 's. Mrs. Fred. P. Sdhraeder, of Howell, lias been visiting friends here. Henry Neulioff has gone to Detroit to make (his future home there. Henry Baur, of St. Louis, Mo., has been visiting his brother, E. Baur. Mr. and Mrs. Will Vanderhoef visited at their fataier's, in Howell, Saturday. Prof. and Mrs. Demmon left ior Charlevoix, Tuesday, to spend the surnmer. 4 Miss Hattie Pickard returned tho first of tflte week for a visit in Cineinpati. Will Hammand, of Jackson, spent Suuday with his fathar af the Fifth warid . Mrs. A. 'J. Hunt, of Chicago, haa tieen visiting 1mt m:h -. Mr ('. G. Liddell. Mir. and Mrs. Himry Wober, o' Fort "ft'ayne, Iiul., ara visátíng D. C. Fall and family. Mrs. Howri'. Miss s Emma and Mat;"uie I'.üwcr haíve returned from a vlsit in Cleveland. Mrs. Fréytag and son and Mra. Hartfoh-d, oí Detroit, visited at A. M uth's. over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. James Barker, o! Jaekson, vialted relatives in the city the first of the week. Miss A. Hals?y has movod into the Gilbort hous3 at the corner of Ann and Ingalls stroets. Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. W,h-oler have returne.l from a visii to Medina nnd Sclienectaday, N. Y. Mrs. O. F. Webster, who lias been vlsltlng at C. Spoov's, returncd to her home in Owosao, Monday. Mrs. Il'iuy D I'ue and dalighter Minnie 'havo lp.en spendin? a few flays with hor sUtar in Adrián. Mr .ani Mrs .E. Ponnock, of I.ibprty, Ohio, vrb.o havo bsen visitin; at Chas. H. Kline's, have re-irnfd 'nme. Mrs. Harriet A. Tracy, who has been vlsltlng Mrs. Hanson Sessións, has refrurned to her home in Jackson. Miss Joan Kemp and niece, Misa Minnie, from the "Soo," are spending; a summer vacation in Ann Arbor. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Ev Beal and Fred. C. Btowii are attending the niPPtinRof the press assoeiation at Kalamazoo. Prof. Otis C. Johnson and family left Tiiosday afternoon for Blocklsland, R. I., where they -svill spend the summer. i C. L. Blodgett, accompanied by his wife, daiighter and Miss Waters, of Bessimer, will spend this vacation in Eaton Bapids. Mrs. George S. Morris and children, Jlrs. Dtmster and family and Miss ■Helen Wiltsie left Wednesday morning for Oíd Mássion. Míís Ida ltoth and Mr. John Batimán, of Detroit, önjoyed a 4th of July visit with many relatives and friends in this city, remaining until Monday. . Frank Howard and wifc of Detroit. formerly of Ann Arbor, have gone to the sea-shore a.nd mountains tí) epend a '.v. weeks. On tilvcir return they wlll make t.heir home in Ann Arbor. C. L. Blodgett, who has been elected superintendent of the Manchester schools, was this week oifered the supeiintimlenry of the Decatur schools without havimg made application. Dr. J. Wlle, of LaiPorte, Ind., canie Friday to spena a few days visiting frienda and relativea. Mrs. Wile, who has been visiting hen-e ïor the past fivo weeks, returned hopne with him, MonUny. i Miss Mary Waters, whtO had leavo of absence from her school duties at Bessimer for one year, has been hired t-o her former position at a salary of $500 per year antt will return home August. Dr. and Mrs. D. A. McLaehlan re- turned ïueeday, from Atlantic City, N. J., wherd the doctor had been attending the International Homeopathie Congress. They took the trip down the St. Lawrence river.