Condltlon vs. Theory. ThoBe tvIio are in ill-health are conronted by a condition, not a theory, although there are numbers oí people ready and anxious to theorize about t. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred S. S. S. will do the work of renovation. In cases of indigestión, loss of ippetite and general debility, this wouderful medicine acta with ajmost miraculeus certainty. It restores the aciVity of the liver, purifles the blood and builds up the system. As a tonic or young and old, it is without a rival. Though it is powerful in its jffects, the youngest or the oldest can take it with the most beneficial effects. IS. S. S. lias Ibehind it a record of half a century, and is more popular as a ïousehold remedy to-day than ever iefore.
Swift Specific Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus