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In Camp At Whitmore

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Tliö state dncampraent at Whitmore lateo la ín ïull blast. Some 2,000 oí the. state inliljitüai are on tlie grounds ,and folur compajües of the United States regular army. The camp 'grotunds are very pleasantly located and the afficers chasfeed w4th the duty elf laying out tho camp have made the motet of the gTOiinda. The troops aire fine lotokiag body of men and the bost of order is preserved on the camp grounda. Company A, of Ann Arbor, has as fine appearlng body of men as any of them. The younge-st company naturally attraöted considerable attegltion as 4t mlarched !nto camp, Wednesday. It caine in at the same time fdur otber companies marched iö ,aad as a cdlonal remartaed, it sliowted' off to better advantage taan any of the five. The company was located1 between the Jacbsón companies anci not far fromi Tecumseh amd Adrián. Forty-nine men reported in camp. Thej occupy thiirteen tents, two of which belotolg to the officaraIt did not taike tüie Company A boys long to make tliemstelves useful after tifixy got on the camp grounda. A igod sized building naeded moving aad the boys surrounded It. It moved atfd ín sfliQirti order occupilsd the designated place. The colonel of the regiment selected Charles Bailey for orderly seangeant of the guards, Wedneeday. Veiry Bttle was dome Wednelsday. The guns and accoutrements of the various companies were inspelcted and ttoe men ware allowed ta come and go untsl ten o'clock, when taps ware sounded and nobody was supposed to pass the picket line without the coTintexaign. A walk down the line oí tents, Wednesday evening, showed the boys brushing their coats, blacking their shoes and sücking up things generally- Overcoats were In demand. Company A recalveid forty new fatSgue coats and ten drass coats and pieking out the best of the oíd unformí .managed to do very wellThe Ypsilanti Light Guards have about lorty men in line. Some eight pr nine of their onembers are liable to be arrested for not reporfcing at camp or getting leave of absence. Such o: the memb?r3 as our reporter ran acros Wednesday eveding are bright young men and a credit to the service. The hospital was ca'lled into requisdtion the first day and although there were no accidente, the surgeons had sometihtog to do. Near the entranca to the grounds are large booths containing meat, groceries, milk, etc., on which requiaitions are made. Thte soldiers are loud in thleir praiae of the beelsteaks lurnished by Hoelzle and Weinmann. Shanahan and Sutton, of Northfield, Jurnish the milk and five hundred gallons were disposed of the first day at 18 cents a gaJlon, and the first day was, of course, the lighteet as the troops did not all arrlve early. The Dötroit -warriors turned out under coramand of Col. Shoahan, 328 itrong. Only one company, the Ann Arbor company, ■svaa able to giet to the grounda without change of cárs. All the other companiea were obliged to come by the Ann Ajrbor Une greaten or leas distancea after changing cars. TEis givee rise Ho Borne complaint concerning the grounds, as owing to an afccident Tuesday night and rather inaufficient side trcka, the trains were somewhat behtnd time. The Eseanabia compajny "were thirty-els: hours on the way. Needlese to say they were too Bleepy lor larking. Outaide the camp gTOunda standa were very numeroua and everything In the line of eatabües could be had. Complaint about the lacfc of postage stamps were heard however. There must always be something to complaln abont . Captain Hiscock w!Jl be officer xf the day, on Sunday. Serentaen men of Company A were detailed for varioua dutias about the camp, yepterday. Quartermaster General Wood and ASs't-QuartermaBter General Sucker are deeervinig ot a great deal ol credit tor the efficiënt way in which thej] laid out the camp and made preparations foT tlhe encampment.