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Discussing Sewerage Preliminaries

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More than the usual amount o( debating occuwed at the special council meeting, Mouday noght, tlie proceedings of wlüch wlll be found iu anotfhör columm. The proposition to eend u cominifctee ot tlic council on a kind ol a junkeüng tpip to Kalamazoo aind other pointe was set down upon very Aid. O'Hearn startod tlie ball by asking i(. the information could nöt be obtaLued as well by correspondeoce- Pres. Cooley thought t'hought it ccHild be done that way but it could be dojie that wiay but it would tiikii moro time. 'Parhaps it might be better to try obtaining the inforraa.tion that way. Aid Winea strongly oppoaed writáng. He thought it an imposition on the clerks of varloua ctties to require toem to answer long eattegorical questions. If sewerage is to be placed ia thie city tais yen it must be decided soon. People are! askïng if the council mean business om has a mind of it A commlttee could not run up ai vory heavy bill of expenses. Aid. Martin thought th people would not (aror sendlng sucli a commitijee. The committee coul(f not makO ( personal investdgation between trains. The city engineers, clerks and mayorg are generally honesS people and It ts properr to get their judiguieat on the effect of sewerage ia ttheir townis. It lis hardty necessaxy tio be tn so biig a hurry a,s not to take timo for iravtlstigaftion. It is onO ol tthe most important questions brought up In yeairs apd all sides should be consultied. The matter must be broughtf up in good dhapO ar it wil! be lost. Tlie peoprte should have time to consider tbe question. Aid. Mann sa-va no need ot grent hapte. Aid. Herí eeemed to the peopUe vrould vot sewwage down if eubmitted now. There wras no need of doing apiythiog until after the pcople had time td ftilly consider the queation. Aid. O'He&rn spoke of many not understandr ing the queation, and thought full correepondence with otber cities would enable the people to vote more intellir gently on the queetion. Aid. Kltson epoka iu favor of wrttimg to toe various cities and malde such a motion. Aid. Wineia again spoke up, for persnoal investigaition. Definite información, lie thought, could only be obtained in tha -svay. He thoughtí it a mtetake after tlie joint committee thought tt niecessary to refuse such a committee. Two years ago. the question was thoroughly agPtated tut tihe people wore given no opportunity to vote on tlie question. If the council intendeü to do anythmg, iG ougtit to do it and get thio maltter out of tlie way. President Cooley spoka of tdie sewerage system of Kadamazoo, ■whicli te had soen. 10 wafs a very perfect syatem, if tlie council could eee ït, It would go a long way torwrards givüng ttiem a better under-' Btanding of d good sewerage system. The motion to wrJte waa then. cairried. The other resolutions and proceedings axe suffifciently clear In the official record.