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Fred Bi-aiun, of AJnn Arbor, was upon our streets, Sunday. Amy Hall, of Oscoda, is visiting htsl UTicle, E. E. Laland and family. Caspar Rinsey ,of jipin Arbor, was calling on friends here lat Sunday. Ji. J. Alfred, of South Lyson, waa tlhe guost ot Judson Salyer, last Suniiay 4 ► Little Ainna B. Worden of Dtetroit, !has been visiting friends here the lasd few days. Miss Nettie Brakaw is cotnvalescenii . alter a two weeks' illness wlth inflammation of Uhe hings. Wm. S. Whipplo has been very sick wiüh leflammation of the bowels but is reportad eoine better at this writing. "WSiieat harvost has rushed the farmers wit!h their haying. Sonie wil] leaye hay and cut their wheat. Most of ihe wheat will t(e cut this week. Eosa Bailey (has tapoverod from the effectis of Uhe oparation on her limb se tflie rertuTned home from Ann Arbor, last weak. 8he is able to walk on! crutebjes. , Rev. StiUinan, oif Soutjh Lyon, conducted the quarterly meeting servicod at the SI. E. ehurch last Sundayj mom-1 ing. A lairga number was in atteüidance.