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fSfVíf-i ''' 3V"' '■■ ' ■' ■'■■■■■1"'iíirsilí. Whjf 'fiL}' efe' ■ . '' '■",-' ' 500-00 4 L i v l&- w' ■'■'■ '■' ■""■ Hven bo Zs t&Xi? '■' "' "r" "My lirnliiB rii.m 5 to , ?,?.' -1'"1'" '"í'"- !'■■ -I .■■ vnnhovr H.HnHoft' ' ■ '■.xK'OP.jrll.inilÜlaliie NEW JU5T OPENEO At the Oíd Stand PPBTTTlVrS Cor Grand Kiver and í iJAIlUi O Cass Avenues, ITrtiir'T Direct Street Car Conmj L jj neetions from all Depots. detroit. Rates, $1.25 to $2 per day GEORGE WAÏÏH THE LARGEST Book ano f all Paper DEALER IN THE CITY, Offers for the SEASON OF 1S91, the Best Selected Stock of WALL PAPEK ad WINDOW SHAD1S Ever shown in the city. Look at the following Priees bef ore buying: BestjWhite Blanks, 5, 6, 7c Best Flats, 10, 12, 15c Best Gilt Paper, 6, 8, 10c High Class Grade Gilts 12, 15, 18c Fine Dëcorations, 20, 25, 30c Our Papers are all eruaranteed full length and best stock. In short, we are the cheapest Wall Paper House in the city. Eemember we have the best Wall Paper Hangers and Decorators in our employ. We would invite Special Attention to our full line of fine Stationery. GEORGE WAHR, Leading Bookselier and Stationer, Opposite Court House, Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY RICHARDS. Dealer in all kinda of im WOOD, LÜ31BES, FENCE ?95Ï5, Maple Flooring, etc, also Pino and Sh.ia.gles. 1LL, ItINDS OF FUIE WOOD. PEICES as LOW as any dealer in the City. " Agent for hm kim and Mowers. No. 9 Detroit Street. iNN AKBOK, - - MICHIGAN ff-ra Patexts obtaised In TT. 8. pTMtTTHjl i111! all foreign cotintries iL#j Bkuk censes and assignmcnts 5THsJ 4 r a w n. aInfrincementa pj y 1 1 1 Í I Wïcourts. Advice and pamiPvMlVV Kiven. Nomoaelsrequired, MiwSySr Thos. S. Spbagce &'Son, 37 bllTiP Congress Street West, Ask my asenta for W. L,. Dónelas Slioe. Tf oí for salo in yonr place ask your dealer to sena for cntnlogue, secure the asienry. and get them for you. WTAKE NO SUBSTITJJTE. ja WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE centTeWn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEÏ.' It Is a seamless shoe, with no taeks or wax toread to hurt the teet; ifiade of the best nne calf, styllsh and easy, and because we malee more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals handsewed shoes costing from $4.00 to $5.00. CC 00 Genuine Hand-sewed, theflnestcalf (' shoe erer offered for $5.00; equals French Imponed shoes which cost from $8.01) to $12.00. OA 00 Hand.Sewed Welt Shop, flne calf, " stylish, comfortablo and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to $9.00. CO 50 Pólice Shoe; Farmers, Rallroad Men Pa and Letter Carriers all wearthem; finecalf, seamless, smooth lnslde, heavy three soles, extensión edee. One pair will wear ayear. CO 30 flne calfj no better shoe ever offered at !'"■ this price; one trial wlll convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO '■Ui and SJ.00 WorkiiiKman'A shoes P are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other mak. DausI S2.00 and $1.75 school shoes are BÜIO worn by the boys cverywhere; theysell on theTr merlts, as the increasing sales show. ■ saHioe 3,'i.OO Hand-sewed shoe, best i" JICO Oongola, very stylish; equals French imported shoes costing from $4.01) to $6.0(). Ladies' 2.50, SU. 00 and 1.75 shoe for Misses are the best nne Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. - See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUQLAS, Brockton, Mass. WM.REINHARDT&CO LGrEÜrT1. f