What The Legislature Did
The Grand Eapids Democrat which has had a very lively Lansing correspondent this year, gives the following esume of the legislative woik this year. The Legislature has adjourned and the state can congratúlate it'self on much good work accomplished. Many abuses and unjust laws have been rectifled and much legislation of great interest to the people has been enacted. # The Legislature meets, according to the provisions of the state consti lution. at 12 o'clock noon, upon the first Wednesday in January of the odd years. Two years ago the Legis lature assembled January 2, and the day of final adjournment was July 3 Thisyear the Legislature met Jami ary 7, and yesterday, July 3, is the day of final adjournment. The members o the Legislature of 1889 drew pay for one hundred and eighty-three days service, while the members of the Legislature of 1S91 drew pay for but one hundred and seventy-nine days. The session of 1887 was one hundred and eighty-one days in length and henee the democratie Legislature. considering the increase of state business, the multiplication of state institutions and the assuming of control of state affairs after a long republican reign, has made a most excellent record. The session of 1889 must stil] remain the longest on record, while that of 1887 must occupy second place. # The general election law, incorporating the Australian system, is conceded to meet the demands of the people for greater security from corruption at the polls. The Miner electoral bilí is one of the most important measures of the session. The redistricting bilis were fair, honest measures. The Tax bil! is an excellent measure. ünderit the taxes will be distributed so that the working people will not have to bear jinjust bnrdens. The Richardsón bilí provides that the state shail receive about one hundred and twenty-n ve thousand dollars more than formerly from the railroads. In this connection, it should be said that Representative Kichardson has been one of the ablest and most efficiënt members of the Legislature. In making the new tax law, the Legislature has been mindf ui of the fact that the granting of special privileges to any class affords just cause of complaint to the masses. The California system of the taxation of real estáte on which there is a mortgage encumrance has been adopted. The maority has kept its pledge on this imortant subject. The appropriatioaa have sot been essened to a degree to injure the use'ulness of the state's institutions. At ie same time, in several instances, ïey have been decreased judiciously. With the increase in the population of the state, there must be an increase in the state's expenses. At the same time it must be borne in mind that there is a proportionate increase in the wealth of the state and in its ability to meet these expenses. The tax provisions, for 1891 and 1892, covered by the enactments of the session are as follows. 1891. App'ns. with tax claim. ...Í867,891.62 General purposes 552,383.(10 Total.... $1,420,274.62 lama, App'ns. with tax claim $691,776 62 Oeueral purposes 718,550.00 Total 1,419,326.62 Total for two years $2,830,601.24 It is significant to compare these figures with those of 1889 and '90: íry'.'an $1,821,520.80 Taxlevy, 90 1,263.744.50 Total Í3,O85,265Ü The consolidation of the state boards is, on the whole, in the line of ècohomy. There were fifteen ex-offieio and thirty official boards, the latter comprising more than one hundred differj ent members. By consolidation, clerical forcé will be reduced, and, it is hoped, more efficiënt administration secured . The character of the membership of the legislature will compare favorably with that of any previous session. In every session of the legislature there are members who should 'not have been elected. This is true of the session just closed; and the fact does not apply to any one party, but to the legislature as a whole. But, taken altogether, the membership was very creditable in point of character and ability. . In a review, however brief, of the work of the legislature, due credit should be given to Gov. Winans for his wise, prudent and able eourse. He Las manifested a firmness of a most commendable order, and always in the line of his honest convictions of duty and the well-being of the state. The Courier should read the constiution of the state of Michigan. Govrnor Winans c&nnot receive any exra compensation for being an exfficio member of a board. He never xpected to receive 't.