Local Brevities

A lodtge of the Knighte of Pythias was organized in Salem, laat week. The couneil holds its regular meeting next Monday evejning. E .E. Calkins is building a new house on South Lngalls street. The Manchester creamery made 11,600 ponnds of tmt.ter in June. The board of health on Monday eleeted Dr. J. Kapp, heajth officer. ■The bai-n of Marcella O'Connor, in Northlteld, burned last week. L,oss, $400. . I Prof. F. M. Hamilton is building a bríck addition to his store on State Btreet . Rav. Mr. ReuaUawt has resigned the paetorate of the Manchester Baptist chmrch. .Tfie foiundation for F. J. Schleedes nero house on Jefferson street has been finished . Over seven hundred ïoads of gravel were put on the streets of Chelsea, Ihis year . The ammial electiom of the business inen's afesociation wDI bo held Tuesda[y evendng. County politics airo exeeedingly quiet. Oïily fivet canididatos tor sheriff have beien mentioned. George P. Codd, tlie pitcher of the University nine, lias just Tflon the tennis games in Chiaago. It will npt be bard to ñnd the adpertisemen't of Uhe J. T. Jacobs Co., this week, anul everyone will read it. Th First ward of thiB city will have to be divided into two votirug precincts urider tfce new election law. Union services iMill be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening, the sh-mon being by Kev. Mr. Eust . iloses Lajoie, proprietor of the Chubb street fruit farm, shipped sixtyooe bushels of berries to Detroit, last Tuesday. Charles W. Wagner has struck a flowïng well ou his pfroperty in Wcqiietonsing, whare he built a cottage this summeff. David Tobin is breaking stone for the coimty. He didn't taka to the wai-k kindly at first, but is now doin a good day's work. Under ttie new election law the towns of Manchefeter, Saline, Scio, Sylvan and York must bo divided imtc two voting precincts. Ttoe business men's quartette, of this city, will give la, concent at "Vhitmore Lake, August 4, ior the benefit of the M. E. Church of thalt place. fThe G. A. R. Post have secured 100 canes, made from cherry, furnished byi James Webb, of Pittsfield, the work being done by Herman Krapf. The Unitai-ian church library will be open each Sunday afternoon dui" ing July and August fram 4 to 5 o'clock for the drrawinig of books The Brotherhood of St. Andrews is to be organized in S. Andrew's church next Sunday evening, for work among the young men of the church. Some rags caugbt ifire in the sheds of Louis Rhode on Huron street, Saturday at midnight. Thq fire department ptrevented any great damage. The fire alarm, Monday night, was occasioned by some one throwing a oigar stub in a box of paper back of Werner's grocery. No damage was done . ■Warren Babcock, jr., of Milán, lias been made assistant professor of mathematics in the Agricultural College. He graduated in tlxat college last year. Editor M. T. Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, eecretary oí the Western Michigan Press association, was presented witb a gold headed cañe by the members of the association. i XI. D. L. Brandh writes the Stockbrídge Sun: "I am ikiíwi Jn Ann Arbor, tDie prettiest towu in the state, (■won't except Kalamazoo), visiting relatives and friends." We are in receipt of an invitation from tJie Stockbridge DriTing association to attend thcái races, July 29, 30 and 31. Pursee amounting; to $2,000 aro oífered. Thj-ee morping services are being held in St. Thomas' church, on Sundays, at áeve,n, nine and half-pjast ten o'clock, so ae to Setter accommodate the large copgregation. A social wiU We held Saturday even Jng on the grounds ot St. Thomas church, begi,nning at eight o'clock James E. Harki,na and ttoe church choir wUl furipish the muele. 6u8 Teed, of Inkster, had the flesb taken o f of throe fingcrs white loading old steel ralla on flat care ior the Central at tuis place, Tu3sday. He allowed a rail to fall on hls hand . Wolvni-ine tent of the Maccabees, iiave contrlbuted $190 to purehase uniforms tfor their band. The univeral verdict is t.lmt the and Js a grand icquisitiion to tbs city and an honor o tihie tent. Joseph Lanz of th Second ward, set tire to his'hen house, last Monday tnorning, tvfaile smoking out chicken ico. The fire quickly extended to the tarn. The fire depttrtment prevented ts inrthor ep(read. Mrs. Al;fce FreeuKin l'almer, of Camridge, formerly president of Wellesley ollege, and a gradúate of our UnfiverIlty, has been appointed one of the Maseachusctts board of Managers for he World's Failr. Eegent CfoaJrles J. Willrtts, of St. Loiuis, tvï'.l move to Cimcinnati, to engajge in thp practfluce oí law there. The regent is ai eafcable and able man a)nd many acquaintanees in Ann Arbor will wjsïi him prosperity. A Stevens, the proprietor of the Lake House, Wlhitmore Lake, is buildng a much'needed horse shed, one luntlred feet in length. The accommoöations tor borses at tbe lake have alvays been insuificien on picnic days. Mr. Jlfiry Teddei-, of this city, has ited ai bïll aektoig ior a divorec from Marcellus Tedder, wham she married at Belleville ia 1877, on the ground of eruelty, non-support aid drunkenness. "hety ha)ve twa ,boye aged six and ten years. The Washtenaw county medical society held its annual meeting in Ypsilanti, Tueeday. The following officers wore elected lor next year: Presddnt, Dr. Gibbee; vice-pres., Dr. Tayor; seleretary, Dr. Darling; treasurer, Dr. Oweto . Milan should foei quite elated ovey Jie report of htr population in the T. A. 'A. & N. M. Ry. time table.'j-svhich ays: "Milan, -with a population of 2,000, is situated a-t Uhe Crossing of the "Wabash railway, 30 miles irora Toledo." IHenry Gardner, of Livingston' oiinty, paased tlivough the city, Monday, over t(he motor line, to visit his daughteir in Yptsilanti. He was a resde"nt of thi3 when it was a small village and enlistied in the 14th tliehigan at Ann Arbor. A porttfaijt of tihfe late Stephen Fairelí(lds has been presentad by Hon. John J. Kotöjson, to the Washtenaw County Mutual Farmers' Insurance asweation, of wliiich Mr. Fairchilds was on-merly eecretory, and now hangs in the roomis of the eompany. They must have a queer way of co-urting at Grass Lake, the News of which place says: It isn't just the thing for callow voungsters to till and coo and play at :urtle dove in the rear pews of our churches on Sunday evenings. Better adjourn t dthe fïont pate and have it out there. A cooiservative estímate puts the coointy in debt $35,000 by the time taxes for this year are collected. That s an amcunt equal to nearly a year's exponditnre and the overdraft has been caused by the vaising of an insuffieient, amoimt each year to pay the current expenses oí the county. The board of Education have elected Miss McGilvary, teacher in the Firsfi ward school, Miss Marska, in the Sccond and Miss Hamïlton in the Fourth. Mis&s Clinton and reiner were appointed cadets and Miss Gnndert will teach Germán ín the Second ward 6Chool . The Argus is the only paper in the county this week which Í3 all set at home, the electrotyped advertisements. So tiliat every reader Khonld mead the inside pages. Our original resume of the week's domestic and ïoreign news is a new feature, which we tliink w'orthy of notice. In speaking of Mayor Doty's address of wi'lcome to the 'cyclists, the Courier pays him a deserved cjompüment when it says "the ttddréss demonstratec ftgajin the fact that never before has Ann Alor bad a mayor, who could represent lier so w,ell by welcaming speecbes to conventüons or organizntions coming here." Miss Alice Gorman, who for more than íour years has been connecteö wlth the Chelsea postoffice, scvered 'her Vsonnoction w!ith that institution last Saturday. Miss Gorman mado Cl most efficiënt assistant in the. office where she won the esteem of all the patrons by ber courtesy and her ac commodating ways. She was deputy posömistress under Postmaster Mc Kone and fïrst assistant under Post master Judson, and in botch positions öhe made an enviable recotrd - one o the best officials the postoffioe ever had. We oöer congratulations for the past and hearty good wishes for her future.- Chelsea Serald. WiUia.m Taylor, colored, wtas arpested Tuesday night for a deadly assault wíth a gtone upon Jefí Davis, ■ vo yeara ago. At tbat time he cut )avis' lip open. He left the city and hinking that the timo for serving the varrant.had expired he returned. He . vas an angry man whe.n Turnkcy " Cabe arrestod him. At the last regular meeting of the Oarpenters' union, tlie followinf? olicers were elected luid installed: Presdent, Ralph Thachér; vice-preaident, S. G. Hoaack; recording secretary, Georgo W. Olark; financial secretary, e Jolhn J. Ferguson; treasurer, Elmer 3. Spencer; conductor, John Jf. Lawreoice; wardtïi, A. H. King; trustee, to ill vacancy, "W. E. Howe. a The Michigan Central is now engaged in changing the rails oo its racks throuigh the city and quite a arge gang oí men are at work. The new steel rails weigh 80 pounds to the yard fnstead of 65 pounds, the ] weight of the old rails. Great care s taken ín laying theni to keep the Central road bed the smoothest of any railroad In the country. Samuel Jones, a wealthy man of ■ near Hamburg, just) over the Wa9htanaw county line, had a barn struck by lightoüng during thd heavy thunder torro, Tueeday moming. The barn burned, loss $900. Mr. Jones had $350 . n money put In an envelope which he ïad buri?d tn au oat bin in the burned . barn. Aftcr the barn was burned, the I monoy was recovered, bat none too soon, as the envelope was beginninc; o burn . Philip Stimson was badly injured ' yeaterday at about noon by beLruf hrown from hia wagon, on State Irtreet. tHe was driving a load of peach baskets. Two bundles on the wagon rolled off and Mr. Stimson limbed up on the pile of baskets to ake thiem from the boy who was landing them up. One of th lines [ropped and the horses started and t was while he was endeavoring to egain possession of tlie lines that lic was thirown, aKigljting on nis back, whteh he injured. Rev. E. jfj. Scruggs, pastor of the Socond Baptist church, is taking his acation. He left for Chicago, a week ngo last Sunday, w[her-R he will remain a short time, and tlien go to "Missouri. During his absence his pu!pit will be supplied by vaa-ious clergyincn from abroad. Last Sabbath Eider McDonald, of Detroit, acceptably conducted the services and next Sabbath the Rev. Mr. Scott, of Detroit, wiH occupy ttie pulpit. The church is in 6 prosperous conditáon, and has an energetic and worthy membersUip . The (recent installation of officers for Otseningo lodge, I. O O. F., resuflasd in the following rostrum: W. C. Jacobus, N. G.; John J. Ferguson, V. G.; Lawrenoe J. Damm, recording secretary; John Wahr, permanent secpetary; Chfase Dow, treasurer; C. Jacobus, representative to Grana Lodge. Appointive officers are as follows: Jas. H. Otitley, R. S. of X. G.; Georg Kalmbachl L. S. o'f N. G.; Fred Barker, -warden; John Looker, condluctor; Harriflon H. Camp, R. S. of V. G.; Charles Mlajar, L. S. of V. G.; William J. MJller, R. S .S.; Chas. E. Godfrey, L. S. S.; Ed. Jacobus, O. G.; Chas. Weimer, I. G. Last Friday aitemoon, during the thunder storm, Patrick Noon, who lives iin Manchester township, took refuge from the storm in one of hie barns. An unusually aharp crash oí heaven's artillery caused him to investígate and be soon discovered that lightning had struck his barn and that the building waa on iire. He had two large banns which were conwcted together and the flames soon etoveloped them both' so that he had difficulty to savd a horse. The barns containttl íorty-ílTO tons of hay, about flfty busheüs of wheat, and 115 bushels of oats, all of which wero burned. Mr. Noon astimated his loss at $1,500, on wMch he had $800 ineurance in the Farmers' Mutuali- Tecumsdh News, July 9LOST- Thursday morning, between Dr. Jaickson's office and Good;year's drug store, one black urtdressed kid glove. Please restore to owner at 30 liivUion etreet and recelve rewagd.
Knights of Pythias
Unitarian Church
St. Andrew's Catholic Church
Toledo Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
E. E. Calkins
Marcella O'Connor
F. M. Hamilton
F. J. Schleede
George P. Codd
Moses Lajoie
Charles W. Wagner
David Tobin
James Webb
Herman Krapf
Gus Teed
Joseph Lanz
Alice Freeman Palmer
Charles J. Willitts
Mary Tedder
Henry Gardner
Stephen Fairchild
John J. Robison
Alice Gorman
William Taylor
Jeff Davis
Turnkey P. McCabe
Ralph Thatcher
S. G. Hosack
George W. Clark
John J. Ferguson
Elmer E. Spencer
John M. Lawrence
A. H. King
W. E. Howe
Samuel Jones
Philip Stimson
E. L. Scruggs
W. C. Jacobus
Lawrence J. Damm
John Wahr
Chase Dow
James H. Outley
George Kalmbacht
Fred Barker
John Looker
Patrick Noon