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H. L. Wood and Chas. J. Dip?w werj home last Sunday . The union meeting next Sundaoi niight will be a the Baptist ehurch . A. S. OongvJon Lot, a new Vibrator separator last week .or his use thi-s fa 11. Peter Gorman got a new Stevens wparator tliis weck for his fall'g business. . Throshing wheat ,will begin next week and jmu-h wheat will !■ bought i-i.irht Irom ,the machine at aboul 90 cente per .bushet. Wixealt i. Huw all uut about here and mostly eecupred in fine eondition. The orop te Bi good o,nr amd o HuaÜty, fully ;iii average erop in ali , respect s . , Aiinual school taeetinjg Dor iliis district wau held at the town hall .M'niúaty niglit. J. Bacon and L. D. Loomis ! were elected members of the school . fumMhed free alnd liviug out of tthe district but ownlng property in the district will hafre credit few the unomit of thelr school tax on the tuition of aoay clnlüren they may have to send '. the school . Frank Sweetland's barns, one milo southwst of here avere disco vered, by Iiis hlred taan, to be on iiro about. eleven o'clock last Tuesday aigïit. il;-. I Sw?etland was called and they saved j Ii is best hoinse and some other stock wit difficulty. The ba(i-ns were soon in ashes, together 'wjth about flve tona of hafc-, about eight hundred pounds of w.ool amd some farm ma(foSnery. The buildiaigs vere insured for $800 and the other property for some arnount ïn tllie Oounty Mutual. Tlie loss aggregates about $2,000. Tlia orlgin ai the fjte is tmknowïi but it hust have been caused by eome tramp or'by spontaiieous combustión from the hay, probably the latter. The buildings eonssTod of large sheds and stábles íor horses, cows, sheep and üra in a)nd storage for machinery and supplies.