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Board Of Public Works

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[official.] Board of Public Works, i Aun Arbfcr, Mich., July 8, 1891. f Regular meeting. CaUed to order by Pree. Keech. Roll called. Present, Jlessers. Schuh, Keech and Mclntyre. Jlinutes of previous meeting read and approved. H. C. Goodrich, Esq. a.ppeared on ixlialf of the owners of property on t!ic cast side oí Fourth ave. and Detroit treet, and stated that a stone j-'i(lwalk is larffely used' by the public and it ehould be a city charre. Mr. Keech sUitMl that the question was ;i matter to be broug-ht before the common cmmcil. l'rof. Clvarles E. Groene and George l!. Schwab, bcin.n present gave their viiws and cstimates on bridges No. 2 and 3, east. Mr. Sebub inoved that we mana mi n.-k tne comnion council far the íollowing appropriations: $500 íar repairs on bridge No. 2, and $700 (oír repiairs on bridge Js'o. 3. Yeae, Scliuh, Keech and Mclntyre. AWermau AVines askcd far tlie ffrade in front of Mrg. Wines' property No. 20, B. Main etreet, before laying stone tád'ewaílk. Befrred to Mr. Schuh. BoaTd then adiourned. Clerk.