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A Week's Resume

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The iu:il vartety of unusual occurrences have ünen g-iven to the public this weák. A Defli-oit newspaper man, wïio unders-tood waai the publta wantted, in luyilug uoC the1 work fof an Ann Arbor correspondent not manyf years agto, s;iil: "M you eoe a dog running tlowti the straüt 'wilth a tin can tied to !iij toil apparcntly frightened nearfy tto death, don't send it in. It is not news ánd we don't want it; lm if y ou aae a ÜOS WH& a tin can tiod to his tail, walking demurely down .flie street as df hie were in a funeral proessioon, tihat's good for hall a coP umn, send ït in." Therte is considerable truth in such an estímate of news. "Wtiat the public wants fto know about ia the unusual occurrenoes of , Mrs. Eliza Eyan, a widow of eigiity, -nho resides at Lajmajr, Ark., and lias been totajlly "blind for thirty1 yöars, Ihad ai tootb, 'pulled thie othei day from her upper jaw, -which had a' Topt ait inch long1. For a ' momen she miffeired initense pain in her eyes aiwl then crid out that she could see. It was a fact. Hter siglit had boon restored. An ?ight-year-old boy has been ruil ín by tlie pólice at Pittsbuvg, Pa., ,-wh'O tlls a daeMedly Oliver Twist lie claims to have run away Jrom life home In Wboeüng, W. Va., tecause his fatler wais the head of a gang of buirglers wto wema trying to make a thilí out oí liïm. They made Jiim crawl In the windowa of houses they wamted to rob and threatenei 1 MUI lm, if .lie didn'tf. He tella of lijow his father and another of the gang murdened a man. Miss Phoebe CousKns has lost her nït agaSnst th managers of the TVorld's Fair and ie out of the secretaryship for gdod. A Chicago paper Tinkindly says Wiat she has not yet tasted tihe vairy dregs of defeat for she has not yet returned to St. Louis. Thoae Chicago papers do have plenty of gaill A raDher fishy dispatch trom Hamburg, Germatny, was publislied the other day, teJltog of the intention of Emperor Wflliam, of Germaay, to vjsit this country. There was nothiHg aibout Chicago in tbe dispatch, ut the headliae. oven it wat?: "He" Wants to See Chifcogo." Evidently to a Chfcago man there is nothing Jn this country outside of Clïicago, "wortih seeflag. Sumined seems to 'be the season for -church trtnibles. Rev. Dr. A. H. Teris,pastor of ,t!he Wasfrintgtn avenue M. H. cihurch of Iianeas city, has just been comvicted of lying and Jiypocrisy ori eiglit chargea. Be has begun a suit againgt tttie presiding eider of his district for $20,000 damages for slander. The presidios' flilf wp i'i ■ o the men who preferred the charges. Many o! the membens of the church have mithdrawn árom ït. I 4 'Eider Hall ,o! the Hediflfckite branch of the Morman church in Independenee,, Mo., lias ísswed (liis edicb that the .women sfliould dress lin plain blact dresses and sunbonnrtts witbóut rib(xns and tha,t the men should not uso Itobacco. A imajoritjy oi tihe members t! his cJinfrcn took issue wlth him and lwithdrew and his church now haa only thirteen members. ' iReligi'ous cireles in Plainfield, N. J., are tora up over t)he elopement of Kev. George Washington Comer, oí that place, with Mrs. Tappan, the wife of ai ' weïHto-do farmer. Since the elopement it (has come out that tlhe Rev. Oomer has two wives living 'and has never fcfeen diviorced. It ís a mistaken poücy -wüiich does not at ones disbar mea from the ministry tvIio re a dlsgrace to t(tveir cloth. Mrs. Laura Fultoin, of Afcchison, Kansas, ihas had $55,000 left her on ecmdition -qhat she maj-riea and lives in w'edlock -wibh an honotrable man for a yeafr. Mrs. Fulton has been twice married but Is njot living ■vvtth her secojnd husband a(nd W nov Beeking a divoyce from himl oh the ground oí abanddnmeiit. Slie is de scribed as a (handsome vvönian of thirt. . .One oí tlie dangers wftiich nrenace m&my towfas in Pennsylvania, lias no terrors for tie villages In Washtenaw; eounlty. Many parte of the state are lioneycombed. witli mines. The village of Laa-keville, five miles from Wilkesbarre, SB buiJt over an old coat mine. One end of (the taine caved in last Sunday, destroylng several houses and large cracks run tor huadreds of feefl sojine a foot wlde and several hundred teet deep. The Inhabiifcants of Larkevde are grèatly terrtfied. # # # - Sovm persons ww scalded to death near Aspen, Colorado, at eleven o'clock Saturday nipht. A road enginc liiit the back end of a passenger train and the check valve on the boifer of the engim wajs knocked off, ■xhausting; the hot steajn into the irockn end xt the passenger coach. Thirteen. persons were scalder, two men, 1'o.ur women and a baby iatally. One of the fanious Hanlon brothers who have delighted Ann Arbor audiences in trapeze'periormences in Forepaugli's circus, vas thrown thirty !eet to the ground, on Mondiay. by the brciaking of a trapeae bar during a performance in Lyons, Iowa. Hls neck was broken and dtath was 11tantaneons. William, n. farmer of Uniontown, Penn., has boten saving up hla uoney for tenty years and had ao trust in bank. FTur1ay five masked burglars entered Iils huse, bund hinl and his housekaeper and at the point) of revolevrs comït?lled him to revaal' the hiding plade of his m;om,ey. They took all his savings, am'ounting to ovei $1,500. He has alteried his views about banka . ff Lena Weinbeng, -n-ho for thirty years las been housekeep(r at the Hoff house m WinoTia, Münn., aliid who coinmitted ui?i)de some twio yeains ajoro, is found to have nnvassed a large sum of money. Last Saturday, $13,000 in gold was found in 'her old piano stool. Snme $12. 000 had been previously drtscovered under false lttoms in liet trunks. New Oi'leans JB Mha last of the cities of any sjze tb wlh'oe'l into line with i paid fire departmeait. Hitiherto the fire diapartmont in that city has beea run by volunteers, who have howover been falrOy well patd for their services. The people arose mearly en masse and1 demanded trained firemen who should inake the extingailishüng of fires their sole btuainess. ' It is very hard to determine -öhe tiuth about Mr. Blaine's health. The daily papan-s are filled witto contraüictory dispatoheis. Some wbuld have him nearly a the poimt of death and others have him a) w)sll man. The politbcs -of the papers seera to have nothing to do wfJth the diapi&tches and tlie aame pfeper will have both kind of dispatcihes. But tliere is ho doubt that anotlier of tlhe Blaine lamlly is ia trouble. Gillespie, a töusin of James G. Blaine, wiap treasurer of Riclhlanct tíouoty, Ind., aad now postmaster of Olney. ït hfcus just been discovered that he is short over $9,000 in his accounts as eounty treasurer. A policeman named Ryerson, in Jersey City, ou Tuesday shot and killed William Brennan, whorn he was tryingto arrest, and mortally wtounded Brennan's wiife, Lizzie. The couple assaulted the policema.n and he claiuis i;o have shot ín self Iefense It is not often that aai oiftcer hag to kill a woman in sell defense. The preachera of Topeka, Kansas, aïe organdzllng a raid on the drugi store bars, arad a maas meeting was held Monday to ase if it were plossiblÈ to enfcwce the pi'ohibition law. Whiskey and beer, it was elaiimed, were sold in tlhe drug stores every day of the year. # Kalnsas has been living in dread of gralsshoppars since the report was sftreaJd that th"ey wexe very numerous in Eastern Colorado. The Kansas (farmers breathe easier now since they have discovered that the grasshop(per this year a-re not oí the destrwctip red legged kind. The members of the Natiopal Edtorial eonventilon Jiave taken a straw vote on president. The demoeratiiï vote stood: Cleveland, 104; Hill, 11; Gorman, 8; Gray, 8; Cairliale, 4; Pattison, 4. Thürty-five oí thje thirty-si democrats who did not vote for Cleveland stated that he was their second1 choice . The repjublilean vote was divided as follows: Blailne 64; Harrison, 36; McKinley, 5. Governor Campbell, of Ohio, was pominated sy Uhe democratid convention ol tihat state, on Wednesday, on the first ballot. Th)e Cincimnati ward lieelera wère mweh opposed to his nominatcon but outaide ol Cincinnati the democrats w'ere practically a unit lor Mm. It remaima to He seen whetlier Cincinnati heelers will defeat itihe democratie party thte Jall. "Wliat is the name of the other vagabond who was wit'li you?" askea the inagistrate. "Jimmy the Caüco." "How did lie evar get a name like that?" "Because he wouldn't wash." "Queer, isn't it, that the poor almosi alwuys have sueh large families?" "Yes; I have noticed tt. There seems to ba a Ixect proportion between squallijr and poverty, öo to speak."