Eev. Mfcx Hein is ín Alpena. ■Mise Ailice Poirter te in Petoskey. ■E. Li. Crana has removed te Saginaw. : Samüol Henne is vlsitin-g tlie eastern Ci-taies. JViiss Fannie Gwinner ís visitiag in CïhicagOu ' Jlrs. Max Hein 1b visüting in Groen Bay, Wis. y Ir. V. C. 'aughaö was In Lansing, IViesday . i , Eandall has gone east for a few weeks' rest. , ) .luisH unara aiacK 'üas returned frorn Kansas City . Xew H. Olemjent has jut returned iram Tdledo. fMr. atad Urs. Jofeeph Clark are at .Weq(uietoasiiigc!. Prof. P. K. de Pont went to Orehard Lake, Jlonday . Mps. Jiolses Seabolt went to MarBhaJl, Satmrday. ■ Mh. Dr. Gibbs and daughter are at Nortü Lake. Mi, and Mrs. Johü R. Miner ai-e at Sft-afight's lake. ■ Herbert Manly returned from' Grand Itapids, Monday. 'Walter S. Hicks wffnirned from Toronto this wteek. Miss Jennie Shadford is visiting her eister in Chicago . Jo8cp(h J. Beard, of Adrián, was iö he city yesterday. ♦ ÍRev. J. M.) Gelston wiill take hig vacaron ín August, i Prof. aaud Alra. L. p. Jocelyn aire vislting fn Bay City. , lïise Dora Mc Collum ie visiting tóiends at Grass Labe. Mre. Frank "Ward, of Stockbridge, is visiting in the city . George Cooper, of CWcago, has been TisKttng "WaJtar Seabolt . Artihlur Clemant, of St. lioui, Mo., is Tiisitfoig In toe ciljyj. Judge. Babbitt has returned from his Iron liountain trip. Mrs. Major Millard is spending the w,eek at Whitmore IJake. lAllan B. Pojad, oï Qhicago, is visiting lïls father, Justlce Pond. Charles W. "Wagner returned Wednesflay, from fWequetonsing. ■ ;H. J. Browia (has been spendaug a .we(k at Oíd Mlsteúoü Beatíh. E. F. Mills and family are spending thlree weeks at Wequetansing-. . Tornan DavLaon, of Adrián, is visita i Ing his Bon, Charles B. Davison. ! Mrs. Fred Borrídaiifc left Saturday ttt join her huabamd ia Detroit. Prof. Eugene F. L,oflir la visiting bis causin, Geatge Swagel, in Colorado. Prof. and Mrs. Slauson, of Coldwater wene in the city the first of the week. Evart H. Ssott and! wife left for Old Mission, Tuesday, for the eummer. Th-, and Ms. V. C. Vamghan leave for EutTOpe the Jirdt of next week. W. Bennetlfe Bsq., and Dr. J. L Rofee have göme to Kansas City, Mo Mji-s. Condón and Miss LdUie Condón left laat Saturday for Hougliton, Mich. Mrs. F. A. Howdetlt atoid family are speading -fchree weeks a)t Caranaugh lake . ' . i Jacob Seabolt's famify and Míks Tina Masten are spending ten daj-s at Zukey lake. fiflt-s. Willis j. Abbott and son are visSting at her tather'g, Christian M,ack. ' B. Bent returned from Wareham, Mass., Saturday, after a twos months' absence. ! J. Wilson, of Chicago, vifiited at his aicftiUerfn-lav's, Mrs. Norman Chapöii's, Supday. Eddie Lohr, oí Toledo, who hajs been visitiing lüs iather, Philip Lohr, returned llonday. , JBugene P. Cooley, o! Lalnsing, visited hia falther, Judge Thomafe M. Cooley, Moadaly . Èlrs. James Bach atad Mrs. Jamea ' Robieon ïwe spending the -eek at Í Whitaioa-e Lake,. J. II. Staïford w,aa ca'lled to ton, Inid., ,Tueeday, to attend tha funeral of a brother. H.A.Bryan, of the Charlotte Leader, ! formerly o( the Register, greeted old j frtends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. A.i D. Seyler and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fall spent Sunday wth W. 0. Lataon, in Webster. Miss A. Holeey te Bnendinjr a counln Of weeks wftih her Bister and lamlly. Mrs. Heory Pinekney ,of Hamburg. MGr. amd Mna. Gilbert Pitkin and child, of Pefcroüa, Ont., are expected kere this wieek to visit their mother . . Profs. W. S. Perry and H. Sí. Chute ate in Toronto, atfcending the meeting of tlie Na-Uonal Educational Association. Pfosecuting Attojrney Hfenry D. M)errittie, of Reed City, is in the city and on tlie Éstate encampment grounds tnis Tiijek. ( .WiUïam Allaby, of CJhicago, a nepliew of Mr. William Allaby, the áioe metrehant, and a cousin of Misa Mate Clark, of Norfch Main street, jpeñt last week with liie relatives icre. y Mrs. A. J. Shively, of Brooklyn, N, Y., passeü thraugh tlue qity, last week, for Callforrüa. On her return sha wiU riaüt frienda böre. .Mrs. Byron W. Watte and three children, of Menomimee, Miss Matie and Mabel Moore, of Augola, Ind-, who have been visi'ting aU D. Cramer's, ate spendin ttne -vMeek at Whitmore Inke . Mrs. Fred Schulz and children, of Deroit, visiöeid lier parents, Mr. aaid Mrs. Caiairles Dietasv last Satturdayi aad Sunday., Mr. Schulz and family imtead spending ai viication of aeveral weeks ín tliis city, next' mcmth. G-eorge E. Stevenson, of Plymouth, spemt Satuirday and Sunday in town, vislting (his brother, Guiy W. Stevenson, of tihe Washtenaw Times, and numerous iriends. '■ Mr. Steenson ie at present instituting tents of the Knighti of tlie Maccabeep in that vicinity, and has just establisbed one ol twentyeight members Bit Perrinsville.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Rev. Max Hein
Alice Porter
R. L. Crane
Samuel Henne
Fannie Gwinner
Mrs. Max Hein
V. C. Vaughan
Clara Mack Hawley
Lew H. Clement
Dr. Joseph Clark
Mrs. Joseph Clark
P. R. de Pont
Mrs. Moses Seabolt
John R. Miner
Mrs. John R. Miner
Herbert Manly
Walter S. Hicks
Jennie Shadford
Joseph J. Beard
J. M. Gelston
L. P. Jocelyn
Dora McCollum
Mrs. Frank Ward
George Cooper
Walter Seabolt
Arthur Clement
Allan B. Pond
Charles W. Wagner
H. J. Brown
E. F. Mills
Lyman Davison
Charles B. Davison
Mrs. Fred Borradale
Eugene F. Lohr
George Swagel
Evart H. Scott
J. W. Bennett
J. L. Rose
Mrs. F. A. Howlett
Jacob Seabolt
Tina Masten
Mrs. Willis J. Abbott
Christian Mack
Mrs. Norman Chapin
Eddie Lohr
Philip Lohr
Eugene F. Cooley