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Company A At Whitmore

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Cornpany A. covered ltsell with glory at the Whitmore Lake encampment. As the general in comniand remarked to the Argus. not a complaint was heard concerning them. On the dress parade, Monday night, as they marched past, in perfect Une, the commanding officer, Colonel Bowen, remarke3 to the governor, "Here comes. Company A- the infanta, we are proud of them." The governor replied "No ■prouder than the rest of us." All the general officers expressed themselves as greatly pi a el with the deportment and soldierly qualrtiea of the young company. The details for orderliea at the reglmental and brigade headquarters are choeen daily from the brightest and best appearing young men detailed from the various compamies. Six times out of ten when orderlies were were chosen from the first regiment, the ehöice feil on members of Oompany A. In other words, more than half the orderliea were chosen. from QompaJiy A. Vin. Crittenden was chosen twlce, Cari Mineï and A. R. Thomas were also chosen and two more whose names we did Dot oatch. Tlie oompaoy was also honored with the following permanent details, which ire very erecttable to the boys detailed: Emll Baur, regimental bugler; Capí Miner, adjutant general's orderly; Corporal James Breakey, quartermasIter-general's orderly; A. R. Taylor, regimental marker; Austin McGuire, assistant to regimental quartermaster; Fred Phelps and Milton Stimson, on ambulance corps. Captain Hiscock was officer of the day, Sunday. Lieutnant Watts was senior offlcer of the guards, Saturday nSght and Lieutenant Armetrong was junior officer of the guards on Thursday and Monday njght. Tïie company was called upon for tüe largest detaills of any in tbe regiment in every guard mount. Monday evening Governor Winana requested tiie company to cali at headquaffters to be preseinted. Captain Hiscock introduced them as the youagest company in the Btate troops, mustared in May 20, wíth only about a month's drill. The governor madq A little speech to tham in which 1m? aid he had folio wed their course all tlrough. He and his ardes had kept track of the drilling of the company sand were proud of them. The boys wea-e always ready to work an,d did not shürk. As told in last week's Argus, they moved the quartermaster general's cook house, the first dav thev ware there, after whieh thej went to work moving suppües. Tq j show how ready they were it need only be said that Beal, Douglas, Khme, and Cooper were on guard all Friday night and according to the rules, wera ' excused till noon Uhe next day. Yeti they volunteered and went out on the i íorced marah Saturday morning. In tttie skirmishes that day, they held the ristit of the skirmish line. Ln tlie brigade dress parade, Suniday, CorpoTal James BacAi was overeóme wlth the He was astsistant to tlhe company quarteTmaser and wotrked bard ín servllag the Jarge numbers wüio took dianer, Sunday. He went on the Brigade dress parade, altthough he was excusable. (Two or tjhree times dvirtag the parade he waa noticed to Btagger, but he did pot lall out of the ltne until he got bac!, to camp. He was quite sick, Sunday night and Monday moxnlng, but ha nince recovered. On Sunday the company served 310 ü-egular cünners, besides serving a, liundred others with ice cream and cake. The regular dlnner consisted of diickeri, veal, lour kinds of vegetables, salada, reliahes, pumpkin pie, fwatermelon, ice cream adca nke. On Monday the campany entertained tha regimeatal oflicers and the honorarj) board of the company.