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Some New Professors

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The board of regents last Saturday appointed Nathan D. Abbott, of Boston, Judge W. Champlin, of Grand Rapids, and Edwin F. Conely, of Detroit, members of the law faculty. They are stroovg men. Judge Champlin and Col. Conely wtll each serve half a year. Mr. Abbottt is a gradúate of the üniversity and has for some years held a position on the faculty of the Boston Law school. Judge GhampBn was the ablest Jurist on the supreme bench of the state, last year. Mr Conely is one of the ablest lawyers in the state. J. A. C. Hildner, of Detroit, was appointed instructor in Germán in place of Mr. Denny, resigned. Mr. Hildner was one of the brightest members of the class of '90. Dr. Breakey was appointed lecturer upon dermatology. Dr. Gibbes was allo wed an assistant at $600 a year. Prof Harrington was granted leave ot absence ior the first semester and Mr. W. J. Hussey will have charge of nis work.