North Lake
Mr. Klos went to Plainfield, fiatufday. The wliortlebnrry erop U not as big) as lasi year. Mr. anjd Mrs. Charles Mapea vislted at .Mr. (Uc'im'.s, last Saturday. Miss IUisp (ilenn lost a shoultieí cape, Friday ee.ning, at or near Chelsea. Mrs. Croman.of ( aelsea, visitad lie school mate, Mrs. Iou Mapes, a da last week. Little Maggie Bird, of Wayne county is 4sitliig at lier úneles Twamley am? líurkhart's a few flays. Corn and beans and 'buekwheat, alsdj potatoes, if they get a good rain soon, will be a fair erop. Potato bugs are gettinw tuogher or Parts preen is less effective, as the. ougB are doing well after two appli jcationg. .Mr. and Mrs. Gleim went to Fowlerville. last week anrl from there to Owosso and looked over the new fur Hiture facto ry built in sis days. Quite a number of Anu Arbor peo pie have visiqed the lake this season The weathier has nqt been warm enoTigh to cause any rusli as yet. Nenrly all the wheat Is secured now and the pranger is wcwking the beans and cuttins the rye. Some fields o nat and barley are turning ripe for the harvest. t Last Saturday, Mr. Glenn and daug-hters, Matie and Rose, went to Whltmore Lake, where the arrangement for the Flarmers' Picnic were completed ia a very harmonious wav Mr. Ptatt, the president, presidio. Pelegates were present from eyery aiürection. Seats will be provided for a large company. Good speakers will be there to entertain the peophle and toe best anale quartettes the state cafl" furnish will be secured, witli good bands and oflher eutertainments tQ ■raake the gathering one of pleasuro and profit. Everybod.v la tnvlted Briiig your lunch basket.