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WiU Swayze is sick at present. Mary Coats, of Ypsilanti, vHted frcends at Wfllis, laet week. Huckleberry ptekers are tliick now and tbey report a faür erop. Wheut harvest fe abouit done aQdsome fields of oate are nearly rip.e. Chas. Finney and Wm. Johnson have eaoh bought a new binder this year. Mrs. Dillard, of Smtbhville, Tenn. w vïsittfnig her sister, Jírs. B. E. Williams, and other relatives at tnis place. Roberts & Dickerson have painted up their engine and repaired their separator and started out to thresh tfiis week.' Ben Williams recently threshed 580 buslieLs of Clavrson wheat from 18, acres, being an average of 32 bushels per acre! How is that for Sumpter? John Roberts, Norm Ballard, Dora' Darling and Edith Russell went to Whitmore Lake, laat Sunday. Jim and Bert Bunton have just bouffht a new grain separator.