European Alliances

As a counter move to the supposed alliance between France and Russia, looking towards the punishment of England for its friendly relations with Germany, mientioned in the Argus last week, it is now given out tiiat an alliance has been formed between England and Germany by which any Franco-Russian attempts against England's possessions in Egypt or Asia rtvUll be met by the open support of England by Germany. Perhaps as an evidence of the coriKal feeling now existing between the French and Russian governments, a project ia on. foot to hold a Russian exposition in Parts. As an offset to tfliie visit of the Emperor of Germany ■bo England, it is proposed to invite the czar to be present and open the expositio-n. ' It is rathkr dangerous work to ho an attendant upon the Czar of Russia as was sihown by an incident whlch occurred last wedk. Tlio szar was aniusing Ihimself in a fortst, cuttingtrees, ■when the head of the axe flew off and strtack an attndant in the face. The czar wemt to hia assistance and got some 'blood on his hands and clothes from the w.ounded man. An offjeer approachimg seeing blooti on the czar, anü thinking an attempt was beimg made to assassinate him, called ïor tllie soldiers to reseue him and they ent the -wounded attendant down, before an explanation could be made. 1 The Fj-ench government has reecinded the decree pi'ohibiting the importation of American pork, but has raised the (foriner chity on it from eight and a half francs ta twenty francs per hnaidred kilas. The rfeise in duty. is deemed ampie retaliation for the McKinley bill and farmer readers wlll 80 regiard it. ' Prince Bdsmart, the most forcible Character oí his times, is said to be aeriouely BI.